<p>Hi im a new user here but i do lurk around these forums. I decided to create an account because i finally found myself in a huge problem.</p>
<p>I applied to UCR as a biochem major and i did get in with a provision. The provision was that i pass my calculus 2 class with a C or better (i stupidly enough took the hardest professor teaching the subject). Before i took the final for the class i did have a C however after the finals i got a D because i failed it. I was wondering what are my options at this point my gpa is not even spectacular. I am also in a dilemma because i did attend a 4 year college before and that means i have the 90 semester unit limit and with the math class im at 88 units...</p>
<p>Do you think there would be anyway they consider letting me retake it at UCR, because i know i could do better i just had lots of circumstances that affected me going into the finals but i suppose thats not a valid excuse.</p>
<p>Anyway any help would be appreciated, i have been crazy stressing out about this and my parents already thought i was transferring and i havent told them about this yet :</p>
<p>Yeah i was going to do that but today is a sunday and i just found out about my finals grade today and i know i wont be able to sleep tonight unless i get some peace of mind. I was hoping someone would have experience and help me out. I will take that advice though and do that first thing tomorrow morning.</p>
<p>You’re probably going to get rescinded, but call admissions.</p>
<p>@Grimes99 </p>
<p>Thanks for the response…very straight to the point haha :\ I will call them</p>
<p>Do you have any other suggestions for a person in my situation</p>
<p>Yeah, sorry
They’re pretty strict about the provisional admission requirements being met. They make work a deal with you and let you take it in the summer again (which wouldn’t count against your unit limit) but that’s unlikely. </p>
<p>Not really anything else you can do other than talk to them.</p>
<p>I was just wondering though i think i read somewhere on this forum that ucr may still consider you if you have over 90 is that true. I took 25 semester units at a 4 year university…and the rest were from a CC what other college options do i have</p>
<p>also would changing majors at ucr change their stance or am i not allowed to change majors unless i met the provision.</p>
<p>The 90 unit limit isn’t going to affect anything at this point because you’d have to re-take that calc class, which would overwrite the original grade. But you wouldn’t earn 4 more units on top of the 4 from the D.</p>
<p>Changing majors won’t do anything. That provisional requirement states that you have to get a C or better in all UC-transferable for the spring, regardless of what your major is.</p>
<p>same situation, got a D in calc 2 after riding a high C the entire semester. i exchanged emails with an admissions counselor for over a week. she said they are reviewing my file to see if i can re take it over the summer either at my CC or UCR. i’m not holding my breath though i’m pretty sure they won’t care so i’ve already accepted my fate.</p>
yeah but if i retake it and even if it replaces my grade it would put me at 88 units(not adding on top of original class). The class is a 5 unit class and only 1 cc within my area offers it over the summer (and its a 40 minute commute plus its already full anyway). That means if i were to retake it i would have to stay an extra year just for one 5 unit class…I was hoping i could make better use of the year and take more classes but i guess thats probably not a good idea if they do indeed have the limit.</p>
I cross my fingers for you and me haha. I dont think i even have the option taking it during summer in my area because there is only 1 cc in my area that offers it over the summer and its already filled up. Maybe theres a chance theyll let us take it at UCR but im not holding my breath either.</p>
<p>if i have to stay another year it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever, i still have physics, a bio class, and maybe one or two electives to do. and i guess calc II again if I can’t take it in the summer. it’s really just my parents who will throw a fit once they find out (haven’t told them yet either and that’s the part i’m dreading). </p>
<p>as for taking it in the summer, at my CC I would have to take both the Math009 B and C series at UCR to cover Calc 2. If I took it at my school it’s just one class. So that sucks.</p>
<p>btw if you go over the limit of 90 they give you subject credit for the classes you take if it’s at a CC.</p>
<p>@1student1: Right, but what’s wrong with being at 88 units?</p>
Well technically theres nothing wrong with 88 units but i feel it would be a waste of a whole year if that one class was all i took over the year and even then i would have to reapply to UCR and theres no guarantee theyll accept me second time around :</p>
Yeah telling the parents is the hardest part and Id rather take the series at UCR since its quarter system anyway and wont be that much different versus taking a one semester course.</p>
<p>@1student1: Heh, I waited an entire year and took ZERO classes just to get into UCSD. (long story, but I took my math class in spring instead of fall, didn’t qualify for TAG as a result, then had to wait another year to get in as a TAG student.)</p>
<p>Oh interesting and they didnt penalize you for not taking any classes during that time? I just always thought if you take a year off or semester off you would have to provide a real good excuse or that would hurt your application chances.</p>
<p>The worse part about my 88 units is i took classes that i shouldnt have taken and only hurt my gpa(for example: genetics), i was so dumb and took classes because i didnt know about the limit until later on.</p>
<p>haha i’m laughing at how similar your situation is sounding to mine. i also took classes i didn’t need (including genetics but i got an A) so i wasted time lol</p>
<p>Same thing happened to me so I emailed the admissions counselor at the school. Three out of the four classes I was taking was needed for uci and I didn’t even get in. Total waste of my time. The classes I got a d and an f in weren’t part of my major requirements but in still worried :(</p>
<p>@1student1: Nope, no penalty for not taking classes. They sent me an email at some point asking me about the gap and I simply told them exactly what I told you. It didn’t go against me or anything, they were just curious.</p>