Transfer student looking to rush good or bad idea?

<p>So im transferring for the the Fall term and ill be a sophomore. Is it too late to join a frat and which ones are the best frats on campus?</p>

<p>It isn’t too late. There are a number of people who rush as sophomores, and some don’t even do it until they’re juniors.</p>

<p>As for best ones, that’s completely subjective. All depends who you are, and what you’re looking for.</p>

<p>What was your high school and college GPA? Are you out of state? I am a transfer student still waiting to hear back and I am really nervous!! I had a 3.0 high school and a 3.0 college GPA.</p>

<p>personally i think you should absolutely try recruitment. I am in a sorority on campus at the u of a and it is the best part of my experience at the school. when i went through recruitment my pledge class had both freshmen and sophomores. there was even one junior, so it is definitely not too late.
just go through the process with an open mind and you will get into a house that is right for you.</p>