Transfer student wondering if anyone has been accepted

<p>I applied to VT on December 29 and I have not heard anything yet. I am trying to transfer from the VCCS System and I am getting very anxious. Waiting is terrible. I have a 3.53 GPA and have applied to the Agriculture and Life Sciences program. Have any transfer students heard if they have been accepted yet?</p>

<p>If it helps, I applied as a transfer on 12/28/09 and found out on March 31st.</p>

<p>Have all of your transcripts been sent in? Including high school?</p>

<p>If you’re coming from VCCS, see if VT is doing an admission visit at your school. I know people who went to one at their CC in January, and they basically found out at that visit.</p>

<p>Yes my transcripts were sent both from the community college and High School by Mid January and Unfortunately the community college I attend did not have them come out it is too small of a community college. I signed the articulation agreement and that states I will have automatic admissions as long as I keep my GPA above a 3.0 and have taken all classes needed to get into the agricultrue program. The waiting is terrible…</p>

<p>I don’t see why you should be worried then. Just be sure to do just as well this semester because they’re really on top of whether or not you hold your end of the agreement after you get accepted.</p>

<p>The first wave of admissions last year was at the end of February, and most of the people who found out that I knew were 2nd year students at a CC that signed the articulation agreement. So hopefully not too long of a wait for you.</p>