VT 2011 Transfer College Board

<p>Ok so I thought I would be the first to start the 2011 transfer board.....I applied on December 29 and today was the last day to apply for transfers. Has anyone been accepted yet. I feel like I have been waiting forever.</p>

<p>i applied January 24, and I had on-sight admissions where the people actually came and gave you an answer right away. They put me on hold for my second semester transcripts but I am really hoping to get in, they said I wont find out till March 18th</p>

<p>I applied the day before everything was due (2.13)</p>

<p>currently a sophomore. instate- small liberal arts school.
College GPA: 3.4
HS GPA: 3.5
SATs: 1950</p>

<p>So far, I took 2 semesters of english, 2 semesters of science w/ lab, 1 semester of math, and all the other classes include, political sci, economics, sociology, music, religion…</p>

<p>i have a good amount of activities and service hours; also in 2 leadership position
I’ve never applied to VT so I really have no idea what they look for.</p>

<p>chances please??</p>

<p>mphokie what are your stats and what college are you transferring from? I have a 3.53 GPA and I will have my associates this May from the CC system. I signed an articulation agreement for the School of Agriculture. I am really hoping I get accepted. </p>

<p>Jyeva what school are you trying to transfer from?</p>

<p>i’m attending mary washington right now.
i don’t have anything against this school, but i really could use some diversity and a more broad major/minor selection.
i applied as communication so it’s not too too competitive in that sense.</p>

<p>I am from J Sargent Reynolds Community College and I am currently a freshman so I am trying to leave after this semester. I have a 3.3 gpa and am trying to major in psychology. The cool thing is that one of the admissions people I met was the director of the department and she was really interested and really wants to see how well I do this semester so Im trying really really hard. </p>

<p>My high school was really bad it was a 2.2
I didnt send my SAT scores since they weren’t needed
I am a first generation student and am also from Bosnia so hopefully that helps me out</p>

<p>I think both of you guys have a great chance. I was told automatic admissions but you know I am still concerned. I attend Rappahannock Community College a small CC in Warsaw, VA. My college was too small to have on site admissions. So unfortunately I have to wait and wait and wait…</p>

<p>Im like 99% sure you will get in. Im really hoping to get in as well, I just can’t stand being home and I just love tech</p>

<p>I totally agree I am ready for a change of scenery…Tech is the only school I have applied to. If I don’t get in I am going to apply to Ferrum. There are only three schools in the state of Va that offer Agriculture. I really want to go to Tech…I visited last summer and the campus is awesome…I can’t wait</p>

<p>yea I visit it at least once a month since i have really close friends there, the overall school is just awesome. I fell in love the first time I walked on campus</p>

<p>I applied this year and did the on-site thing at my community college in Norfolk, VA and unfortunately got rejected.</p>

<p>I was told that I was at a disadvantage as a first year student at a CC and that my coursework wasn’t good enough to transfer after one year. I didn’t have enough of what they wanted, apparently, even though all my classes would transfer and my GPA was alright. Even if I had changed to some random, “easy” major I wouldn’t have gotten in. They told me if I really wanted to go to Tech in the fall, I had to take summer classes then appeal my rejection in August right before classes start, but even then it wouldn’t be guaranteed I’d get in. I’m applying again for next Spring (if allowed) or just waiting until I get my AA.</p>

<p>It sucks cuz I tried really hard, but maybe I was just unlucky. Best of luck to you guys.</p>

<p>jayk10, did you apply for fall 2011? or 2010?</p>

<p>i hope i can get in too!
i’m hoping applying for the corps of cadets will help me.
3.2 HS, 3.7 College freshman, internships, leadership positions</p>

<p>applied to the geography major</p>

<p>Damn, that sucks man. I told them I was going to take more summer classes and I met with my advisor and she told me what they wanted so I already have my classes ready to get picked out but hopefully they just give me a chance and let me slide through and get accepted.</p>

<p>I just feel really discouraged because I actually applied for transfer last year as a freshman to UVA & WM and got waitlisted to both…
& my GPA was 3.8
so with my 3.4 right now, it almost seems impossible to transfer =/</p>

<p>I also have legacy at tech (older sister) if that helps at all…</p>

<p>JayK what is your GPA…I have seen a lot of boards where students transferred after there first year from other colleges!</p>

<p>I applied for Fall 2011. The admissions people came to my CC in January for on-site review. I had a 3.48 GPA in high school as was ranked like close to 100 out of almost 600 students when I applied to Tech as a Senior, I got flat out rejected. I applied for Engineering, but they didn’t even consider me for University Studies.</p>

<p>This year, my GPA was 3.5 again - I took 14 credits that were accounted into my GPA and I had all As and a B. I also had a P/F class that didn’t matter for transferring, but I still had to take it. Some stupid CC rule which probably hurt me.</p>

<p>I don’t think my GPA brought me down for admission, it was the fact I go to community college. All the classes I’ve taken could transfer over, but it wasn’t enough to fulfill what Tech wants transfer students to have. I had a friend that went to ODU and had the same GPA as me, but got in after a year. I have a friend who applied from our CC with a 3.9, and DIDN’T get in.</p>

<p>I don’t think most of you will deal with what happened to me if you guys are all at 4 year universities.</p>

<p>damn im screwed then because im from a community college</p>

<p>Jayk - What major did you apply to? That might have some impact on whether or not you got in.</p>

<p>mphokie - Are you in your first or second year? You might want to call admissions and see what they say. Generally they’re pretty helpful with answering questions and they’re honest on whether or not you’re a good candidate for admission.</p>

<p>I am majoring in psychology but I already did on-sight admissions where they come and tell you if your rejected or not and they put me on “hold” because they are really interested in my mid semester grades. Oh and this is my first year of college but second semester</p>

<p>If you did the onsite admission and they didnt reject you, then you should be fine. It means your coursework wouldn’t put you behind if you transferred after a year.</p>

<p>I applied to the Business school under BIT. Apparently the math classes my school told me to take ISN’T what Tech wants…and I just didn’t have enough classes that would keep me on track with the business program. I mostly blame my school because I told them that I wanted to take the classes that Tech asks for, but they said I should be taking other ones and that it wouldn’t keep me from transferring…that was a lie.</p>

<p>I’m sure you’re fine mphokie. Keep us posted! I really hope you do get in</p>