So I was browsing through CSUs to figure out which ones I wanted to apply for Spring 2018 to and I found out that in some campuses the Golden Four needs to be completed by the end of this summer term and i was like ??? because I’ve only completed 3/4 of them (Critical Thinking, Oral Communication, Written Comm.). I was planning to take the missing Math class this fall. Sucks I didn’t find out about this sooner …
Will it really hurt my chances if I do apply to those CSUs that have that requirement of completion? Are there any campuses that could make me eligible for admission regardless?
CSUs tend to vigorously enforce their pre-req requirements - especially, the selective ones. You may find more flexibility in your ‘local’ campus. I’d sit down with an admissions person at your target school and ask them how they handle it.
Spring admission is a hit and miss proposition. Generally, at the most popular campuses, it isn’t offered (though I’ve seen some ‘local’ exceptions) Some years, it happens at several campuses, others, it is shut down entirely. With 23 campuses and the revamp of the CSU portal, it is hard to dig out the correct answer quickly. The campus admissions web site and/or a phone call is your best source.
I did notice that UCM is open to Spring Tag applicants. If you get stuck with the CSUs - that could be an option
If you find out any information on this, you should @ me! I’ve been trying to find the same thing! I have completed all 4 but I received a D in my critical thinking so I’ll be retaking it this next semester! I did see that East Bay accepts Spring transfers and courses just have to be completed by Fall semester if that helps. I believe Bakersfield was the same. I really wanted Channel Islands though.
I’m going to call the university Monday and hopefully find out.