<p>Is it hard to get into USF as a transfer?
I applied with my AA in anthropology coming from a state uni (in FL).</p>
<p>sophiegirl, I am not too familiar with what all is involved in transferring to USF. I entered USF as a freshman last fall. You’ve probably seen the attached stuff from USF’s website. USF does give priority to transfers with AA degrees from Florida institutions. Good luck!</p>
<p>[Transfers</a> Homepage - Undergraduate Admissions at the University of South Florida](<a href=“http://usfweb2.usf.edu/Admissions/Transfers/]Transfers”>http://usfweb2.usf.edu/Admissions/Transfers/)</p>
<p>i just got in with a 3.51…i applied for Spring and i’ll have my AA by then…not sure how strict they are on students transferring from other universities though…i heard UF is very strict about that though</p>