Transfer without taking a college english class

<p>I have taken courses in every department that UW wants for a transfer applicant (English, math, science, literature, social science, and foreign language.) However, I have not taken an English class.. Do you guys think that this will hurt my chances of getting accepted? </p>

<p>Your post is confusing - first you say that you have taken an English class, and then you say that you haven’t.</p>

<p>If you haven’t - is the reason you haven’t because you had AP English in high school and tested out of a requirement with a 4 or 5?</p>

<p>Also, I have found the admission office people to be very helpful - you can contact them and ask:</p>







<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Yea sorry about the confusing post, but thank you for the response. I just listed off those classes to give readers information on the class expectations for UW. I have not taken an English class, however, I have taken all the other classes. </p>