Transferring between community colleges

Hey, all. I’m currently looking to continue my studies (English major) at a community college in California. I began in 2018 and was placed into a pre algebra class which I completed. I took some time off and decided to enroll to another nearby college which was more convenient for me. I took the placement assessment and was placed into a pre calculus course. I’m currently trying to get an online appointment with a counselor, but I’d like to hear from some of you who know how this might work out. Do I continue with the course trajectory at my first college or begin with pre calculus? What should I do?

Do you intend to take calculus? You probably don’t need to as an English major.

The math placement philosophy in the CCC system has changed since you began in 2018. Remedial courses are much less encouraged. Instead, college-level classes such as stats are being offered with additional support to back-fill the algebra you need. If you placed into precalc, you should qualify to take stats (either with or without the extra remediation… but since you skipped over elementary and intermediate algebra, I’d go with the extra support if you can). That would meet your math requirement and very likely be more useful for you in the future than the precalc-calc sequence.