Transferring schools over the summer

I have a 10th grader at boarding school who is adamant about coming home. The school is going through some transitions and it no longer seems like the best place for her. She is a straight A student, does several extracurriculars, has no sports, and is a very talented musician. Her PSAT scores were mixed: perfect in English, top quartile in math.

Does anyone know if any Boston schools would be willing to consider a summer application? I’m looking at the list of all the schools around here, and they’re all either super competitive, or very small. It doesn’t seem like any would have much in the way of extra space. She does seem to have very good stats though, except for the math PSAT. Which was odd, because she is very good at math.

Would a good high school consultant be able to talk her way in somewhere?

I’m really at a loss and wish the issues at her current school had manifested 6 months ago.


You could just enquire at Admissions. Would she be a day student? What kind of schools are she interested in?

A good consultant would probably have more insight into where there are openings and which ones are a good fit. The latter is important for transfers – schools definitely recognize that sometimes, one school is not a great fit for a great kid. And they also know that some kids will never be happy. They are open to the kid who got fit wrong but also want to be sure that it’s not going to happen again to them.

You can call yourself but I think this might be a situation where a good consultant might be helpful.

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Thank you both for your advice. She wants to go to a day school. She says she misses us, and she wants to be in a more urban area with more things going on.

I would love any recommendations for a local consultant. I’ve googled, but it’s hard to tell which would be best. I will search on here, too.

I’m probably not telling you anything you don’t already know, but asking friends is a great place to start. Anyone you know who was happy and who shares a sensibility with you is likely to be a reasonable option.

If I know anyone who used a consultant when applying to privates, they kept quiet about it. I didn’t use one for either of my kids.

The OP is welcome to repost under the original account. Since Terms of Service prohibits multiple accounts, I am closing this thread.

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