<p>I'm not exactly sure if this is the right section of the board for this, but I have a question. I am already having doubts about the college I chose to attend and while I am going into school with an open mind, I am just wondering if anyone knows the process of applying to a school you initially turned down. Is it like any other transfer process? Do the schools not want to readmit you if you initially said no? Thanks!</p>
<p>You still apply as a transfer student even though you were admitted in high school. I know from personal experience since I considered a transfer to Mich. St. even though I turned them down in high school.</p>
<p>No difference if they did not admit you. You will go through the normal transfer process. But DO keep an open mind at your selected school. Once you get into classes, meet your new classmates and get interested in your studies you may find you no longer want to transfer.</p>
<p>First off, please keep in open mind as you enter your selected school. Don’t enter in with the mindset that you might transfer-- only consider this if you feel you are unhappy after 1st semester. However, the second thoughts usually go away during 2nd semester.</p>
<p>I initially turned down Duke as a high school senior. Although I was quite happy 2nd semester at my current school, I decided to apply again to Duke as a transfer since they offered a better program in what I wanted to study. I got in again, and Duke even told me that getting in the first time gave me an edge in the transfer admissions process (which was much more selective than Duke’s freshman admissions). However, I also applied to WashU. I got rejected as a transfer, even though I was accepted as a high school senior. Some schools are more welcoming to students who initially turned them down. If you do end up deciding to transfer, write a letter specifically addressing why you want to get accepted again even though you turned them down the first time. You do have to go through the whole process again, which is a pain. Make sure you do well academically (aim for as close to a 4.0 if you are aiming for selective schools like Duke) and develop good relationships with at least two professors.</p>
<p>As I said though, keep in open mind. Going through 1st semester wishing you were somewhere else is not a fun experience… enjoy what you have.</p>
<p>My son was admitted to UChicago as a transfer after turning them down and NOT admitted to UGeorgia, his safety, after turning them down initially.
I hope you love your school!</p>
<p>I initially turned down UNC for Syracuse, but after my first year at SU I decided that UNC was actually where I wanted to be. Same transfer process, same application, but like others said I have to believe there is some kind of edge in the transfer process if you are applying to a school that you’ve been admitted to previously.</p>
<p>I did it. I turned down American University for the College of Wooster because:
a) COW offered me more aid
b) I thought AU was ugly the first time I visited
c) DC was at the time too big for me</p>
<p>I started at AU last Spring, after a mental crisis junior year about not being able to find a job. It’s just like any other transfer process.</p>
<p>Do not worry about turning down a school. They won’t be bitter and decide to reject you because you went in another direction the first time. Colleges are concerned about choosing the best applicants possible, regardless if they turned down the university once already.</p>
<p>That being said, please please please have an open mind when you go to school and have fun! Give it a chance, you chose the school initially for a reason, so just think about those reasons!</p>
<p>Transferring to a school that you turned down won’t be a big deal.</p>
<p>However, your aid package may not be as good as a transfer student and some schools are “need aware” for transfer students.</p>
<p>My son transferred to a school he initially turned down.</p>