Transferring to Cornell with "Ws"

<p>I am currently a sophomore at the university of Houston and am interested in transferring into Cornell ILR. Unfortunately, I initially wanted to transfer into AEM and took 2 courses -- calc 1 & physics 1 -- not required by my UH degree plan because they were pre-reqs for AEM. However, now that I want to transfer into ILR, I no longer need to take these classes. As such, they are essentially a waste of time and a threat to my GPA. I missed the last date to drop them without getting a "W" so should I just continue on with them? Or should I drop them? And would 2 "Ws" look bad to the admissions board at Cornell? Or are they nothing to worry about?</p>

<p>Why ILR? Or do you really want Cornell and figure that ILR is the college that is easiest to get into?</p>

<p>The standard recommendation would be to buckle-down and try to pull up your grades in both of these classes. Chances are that you will need a science credit in order to graduate from college wherever you finish, and if you can pass Physics you will be done with it. Likewise, sooner or later you are likely to need a higher-level math class. Passing Calculus will take care of that. If you truly don’t believe that you can pull this off on your own, pop by the tutoring center at your current university and get help with things.</p>

<p>Well I am choosing ILR because I am genuinely more interested in the subject matter covered in ILR courses than in AEM classes. I also believe I would be a better fit in ILR. </p>

<p>I see what you mean, but these classes are putting me under a lot of pressure and i’m really scared that they might bring down my GPA. I’m also finding it hard to get motivated about them if I don’t need them anymore. If the Ws don’t look bad to the admissions board I will drop the classes for sure, i’m just not sure if it will look bad or not.</p>

<p>Why don’t you take a look at the graduation requirements for ILR, and then drop just one of these? There is no reason to feel that you must drop both or none. [Cornell</a> University - ILR School: Office of Student Services - Curriculum](<a href=“]Cornell”> The Physics course you are currently taking would probably fulfill the science distribution requirement, and the Calculus course you are currently taking would certainly be useful in the future if you pursue higher-level courses in Economics or Accounting.</p>

<p>This is true. However, I took a business calculus class last semester, and I am currently taking intro to Biology so that takes care of both math AND science. But yeah, if Ws do indeed look bad, I think I will just drop physics and keep calc 1</p>