Transfers from Galveston

<p>S2 is a freshman at TAMUG in Maritime Systems Engr completing his first semester. He is hoping to move to CS asap (next fall if possible). He was told (by PSC reps) that he would just need to change his major into a CollegeStation major (he wants CompEngr with CompSci option).</p>

<p>He emailed a CompEngr advisor who replied encouragingly, but sent a link to the "regular" transfer process. He seemed to think that S2 should apply as any other outside transfer student.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how this works exactly? He called TAMU admissions initially and they told him to contact the CompEngr dept directly.</p>

<p>Your son will actually be considered as a “Change of Curriculum” not as a transfer student since TAMUG is the sea-branch of TAMU. He took the right first step with contacting his intended new major’s advisor (keep the dialog going between your son and his new advisor throughout next semester). The next steps are that he will need to make sure he meets the requirements GPR wise (2.5 is the minimum to apply for the Change of Curriculum)for his new major, has 27 credit hours at TAMUG, fills out the Change of Curriculum form, and talks to an advisor over at the Sea Aggie Center who can further assist with the Change of Curriculum for your son. Here is a link that further explains the Change Of Curriculum: [Change</a> of Curriculum](<a href=“]Change”></p>

<p>aggiering, Thanks very, very much! He has spoken to 3 people (1 tamug advisor and 2 at tamu), but the answers have been inconsistent. This will be a big help to him. I will pass it on.</p>

<p>AllThisIsNewToMe, you’re welcome! If your son’s plan is to change majors into College Station for the fall of 2014, he needs to make sure that the 27 hours he earned at TAMUG is from the fall and spring only. I believe summer hours can not be considered as part of the make up of the 27 hours. Has your son spoken to the advisor in College Station who handles all the TAMUG change of curriculums? If not, I think that should probably be his next step. Hopefully this advisor will give your son all the correct answers to how to change his major and move over to College Station. Good Luck to your son!</p>

<p>He will have 28 hours and will have all the CBK courses that the CompEngr guy said are required. However, that advisor sent him a link to a normal outside university transfer app. He also emailed TAMU admissions but they told him to just deal with the department directly.</p>

<p>I’ll tell him to email again and ask if there’s a CS advisor who mainly deals with TAMUG change of curriculums. So far YOU seem to be the best source of information :-).</p>

<p>thanks again!</p>

<p>I don’t understand why they are telling your son to fill out a form meant for outside transfer students unless things have changed. TAMUG=TAMU or in theory they are suppose to. What has been required in the past was a Change of Curriculum form. Perhaps they now call everyone transfers regardless of where they are from. Since changes are coming for the freshman engineering students the fall of 2014, perhaps there are also changes to the required documents for students changing their major and campuses from TAMUG to TAMU. </p>

<p>In the Spring, there should be a meeting for students wanting to go to TAMU and change their major. This should help clear up unanswered questions students have and probably detail the steps necessary for an easy transition to College Station. </p>

<p>Have your son go to the Sea Aggie Center to see if the Change of Curriculum forms are out. If not, ask one of the advisors and perhaps see if they have a College Station contact that can clear up some of the inconsistencies you and your son have been receiving. </p>

<p>Glad I was able to help!</p>

<p>One more question - would the meeting you mention be held at TAMUG or TAMU? I will definitely tell him to look out for it.</p>

<p>AllThisIsNewToMe, The meeting should be at TAMUG. This is what they did in the past. Have your son check with one of the advisors at TAMUG if that is still the case.</p>