Transportation around campus??

<p>Ok so I am starting to think about how I will get around next year on campus and am wondering what the best way to get from place to place is. </p>


<p>well walking is definitely the best option…the campus is very walkable and it only takes about 20 minutes to go from the top of north to the bottom of central. freshmen are also given a free bus pass, and the bus fills up fast when the weather isnt too pleasant</p>

<p>car/bike if your rich, bus pass if your semi rich. walk/crawl/run if your poor like me. i live on west and i climb that hill at least once a day =( and i go all the way to vet, it sucks on a bad day with all the ice around or rain falling on you but what can i do, iim poor. but bike would be fastest way, and easiest</p>

<p>Well I will be poor too so good thing walking is my thing haha. Are bus passes expensive?</p>

<p>like i said before, freshmen get it for free. i know that 10 passes is $15 (because my friend bought one)
[TCAT</a> Bus : Buy | Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, New York](<a href=“]TCAT”>
there is the list for all of the price options. they are really worth it in bad weather, but it gets inconvenient when you have to keep changing buses to get everywhere on campus. sometimes its just more worth it to walk when it’s all said and done.</p>

<p>Almost everyone that lives on campus walks to class. Biking and bussing are feasible too, esp. from north campus. No one drives to class.</p>

<p>You should have absolutely no trouble picking up a used bike for less than $50 at the CUPD auction.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for the adivce I really appriciate it. </p>

<p>This forum is so helpful in so many ways! It is nice to know people care and want to help others out.</p>

<p>The Bus isn’t free at Cornell? Like they don’t have any bus service just for Cornell?</p>



<p>The TCAT runs bus service around Ithaca and the surrounding areas, but they do operate a few Cornell-specific routes (although these routes are open to use by the public).</p>

<p>All incoming freshman and transfers receive a free bus pass valid for one year. After that you’ll have to purchase a bus pass (it was $200 when I had to buy it…but I had a free pass for 2 years).</p>

<p>So how would u get to Amtrak’s Syracuse Station from Cornell’s Campus?</p>

<p>to get to the amtrak station, you can take the Ithaca Airline Limousine, it was about $100 round trip last time I rode a few years ago (now I have a car on campus so thankfully no more IAL). I’ve never done this, but you can take a bus from the state street bus station and I think the end route is the amtrak station. I think this costs under $20, but has a limited schedule. For breaks, cornell has started a charter bus service that goes to the airport for about 30 with several trips a day. It might stop at the train station, but you can also take a cab from the airport.</p>

<p>Or try to find a friend with a car to drive you and pay them some gas money.</p>

<p>About Ithaca Airline Limo, it is 110 round trip, so it is more expensive. However, it is probably the most convenient way to get to either the train station or the airport, short of utilizing a car. It is convenient not only because it basically picks you up anywhere, even from your house, but also it has a lot more trips to fit basically any train or airport departure time. The Greyhound Bus and the Cornell Bus service are a bit more limited in their trips. In addition, IAL is very reliable. Even in a snowstorm, it will take you to Syracuse (whether the train or airplane will get you home is another matter, as probably many students experienced this past Winter Break). I remember coming back to Cornell and the bus left an hour after the scheduled time so that people whose flights were delayed would not be left in Syracuse. I am sorry for this plug of IAL, but I have used it for Fall and Winter Break as well as Thanksgiving (and will use it in three weeks for Spring Break) and I have had a very positive experience with it.</p>

<p>is longboarding popular?</p>

<p>you will inevitably end up doing a ton of walking. if you’re at some point in your college career unlucky enough, youll have consecutive classes in baker, then in morrison, then in goldwin smith, then in wing. those were fun times.</p>

<p>for the first year, you have a free unlimited bus pass, though. that is sometimes a nice way to get around, but not 100% reliable</p>

<p>All registered students receive unlimited rides on all TCAT buses after 6 p.m. weekdays, and anytime Saturday and Sunday. Students pay no fare (normally $1.50) when using their CU ID card at the farebox.</p>

<p>Full year omniride is $200 if purchased through [For</a> Students](<a href=“]For”></p>