transportation in madison

<p>which way is the best way to get from dorms to classes?
and also are the buses free for the students???</p>

<p>Parking is absolutely horrific - I think.</p>

<p>It really depends on where your dorm is in relativity to your classes.</p>

<p>Dorms to classes - walk, bike, or take the campus bus which is free for everyone. (I think it is the 80 bus but the number may change b/c the Madison Metro system is changing schedules as of Aug. 27th.) UW students can get a free bus pass to use all over Madison.</p>

<p>Do not attempt to drive. Parking is impossible. </p>

<p>Check this website for the best way of getting around.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>There are several free campus buses that run from early morning to very late at night. Also as noted above you can get a bus pass for the Madison bus system through the student government. The Madison system is very efficient, is accesible to the disabled, and has bike racks on the front of their buses.</p>

<p>Many students here use bikes. There are a large number of bicycle stores in Madison with a full range of prices and lots of great bike trails in the area. However, too many, many too many students, use mopeds or scooters, which are often driven badly, and create large amounts of pollution. The University is cracking down on their use and will require them to have permits and to park in specific spaces.</p>

<p>I always the small armies of scooters buzzing around was cool and unique to Madison, but your points about pollution and some crazy drivers are true too.</p>

<p>I usually walked the two miles+ each way and never had to worry about my weight.</p>