Transportation to Airport

<p>How easy is it to get to and from the local airports? I am most interested in using Ft. Lauderdale. Does the school provide any transportation?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure the hurry canes shuttles go to and from Miami International Airport around the move in/move out time each semester and around holidays breaks. if not, the cab service from MIA to UM is about $20. from ft.lauderdale to UM the cab would be much more (maybe $50 to $60) but there are shuttles that take you from ft.lauderdale airport to MIA and then you can take the hurry canes shuttle. the shuttle from ft.lauderdale to MIA is probably about $20 to $30, at least that’s what it was the last time I used it. I hope this helps!</p>

<p>THe “GO” SHuttle is at the Ft. L airport. You walk outside and they put you in one. You may be alone or with others. No reservations needed. </p>

<p>From campus to the Ft. L airport you call in advance to book the pick up. They will call you once outside your dorm to tell you they are there.</p>

<p>My son has used them the first 2 years or so. Ride varies from private limo to can with others, depending on what is available. Same cost to you.</p>

<p>UM provides transportation to MI and Ft L airports at Thanksgiving and maybe winter break. As the Ft L airport is not all that far, you will likely get rides in your Jr/Sr year.</p>