Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I want to go to the fantasy suite with Tino! lol He said all the right things.

Gabby must have had a teeny tiny thong or something because Rachel has a generous bottom but didn’t get a black square! :laughing:

I am so nervous every time they jump together into the water - it looks dangerous to do at the same time!

I am watching a little behind but omg Please put these people in some air conditioning- Tino is MELTING!!


Well, either Gabby is going to end up with Eric (boorrrinngggg…he’s fine but I feel like she can do better!) or my new dream theory is she ends up with no one, gets booked as one of the later people to show up on BIP and her and Nate get back together!!! :slight_smile:

(I fully admit when she was walking to the bridge to meet “whoever” and they showed the guys legs/feet - even though the person was not wearing cropped pants - I was hoping it was somehow Nate!!)

Rachel seems to be down to Tino and Aven - looks like maybe the Zach relationship falls apart. I’ll be honest I can’t stand Tino, she seems controlling to me. And to be honest, I don’t think that ANY of them have a genuine, passionate, comfort with and for each other.

I think Rachel is in love with the concept of falling in love. I don’t know that she is truly “in love”.

Ugh, this season…

Tino is in denial about his family. Bye.
Everyone else…yawn

Bring on The Amazing Race!


(oh, we WILL be having an AR thread too - and Survivor if anyone is interested!!)

Gonna take a lot of threads to make up for the missed This Is Us thread!!! :frowning:

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TAR Canada and Australia are currently airing for those needing a fix. :grin:

Before things get going tonight, here’s what I think is gonna happen …

I think Gabby has told Erich he’s the one, because she can do that when the cameras aren’t around. But he knows she’s got two other dates so he is trying to double down on how he feels about her. How could she even come to the bridge if she was supposed to be on an overnight with Johnny? Why didn’t she tell him she dispatched Johnny? Maybe she did and they didn’t show it. Now, it looks like Jason is going to come clean that he’s not there yet so clears the way for Erich, which is what she seems to have wanted all along. Didn’t the previews show her not going to a rose ceremony? I guess it’s because Erich is the last man standing so they don’t need a rose ceremony in the conventional way.


I thought the same thing about the bridge - that wasn’t the night she should have been with Johnny.

Yes they have indicated she won’t have a rose ceremony - you could be right!

I feel for Gabby. A narcissistic wants to win the battle but not the woman. He just played for the audience. Didn’t care how he hurt her, as she is a real person.

Omg I am dying reading the Twitter comments/memes about tonight’s dumpster :fire:!!!

Still not sure what happens with Gabby and WHAT THE HECK WENT ON IN THAT BEDROOM WITH ZACH?!

Zach seems the most like himself on this show. He is not uptight and he seemed most natural and comfortable up until they entered the fantasy suite.

Also, Jason is about as clueless as a brick wall. He has from day one seemed so awkward on this show. Should have made his exit long ago

I think Rachel, like Gabby, knew who she wanted (I assume Tino but who knows?), and basically put up walls with Zach so she didn’t have to sleep with him, knowing that she was picking someone else. And HE’S the one who felt like he was led on, like Gabby SAYS she was with Jason. Look … these people have to create drama somehow!

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It definitely will be THE MOST DRAMATIC FINALE E.V.E.R.!

Man, it is pretty clear that they’ve (all of them) never had a conversation about life, careers, children, religion, politics, money… Sure, get engaged and love will conquer all.

I have to watch more?? Ugh! Just please let this season be over - yes of course I’m going to watch it.


The only fun this season has been watching with my daughter and texting throughout the episodes. We don’t care about either woman, are bored by the men, and laughed so hard at Jesse Palmer’s dark, serious proclamation of “the Most shocking season finale in Bachelorette history!” In fact, so shocking, that we needed to take time to process all the drama from tonight’s episode. :joy:
Good lord, this season has been a train wreck, but of course we’ll show up for the final rose!


What can they possibly do with Gabby introducing her ‘men’ to her family? ‘Um, this is the guy I had left over. Do you like him?’

At least Rachel let someone else do the crying tonight.

Your posed quote by Gabby is :100:!!!

Honestly, I just hope Gabby walks away empty handed and takes some time to work on herself - I love her - but it’s weird, she is so confident on one hand, but so not confident on the other. Maybe what it is is that she is MATURE (I think she handles conversations and things gone wrong in front of the guys well) but she lacks confidence in herself socially.

I just have never loved Rachel’s vibe. She seems very “princess” girl. Ugh. She was really desperate to focus on Zach’s age as a potential problem given he is like only months younger than her. I still stand by he may “only” be 25 but he seems the most mature of her three.

every time i watch i too wonder about normal conversations about life. I would like to hear more about them as people and all sorts of topics and stances and ideologies. Life stories are way more interesting than “yeah, yeah, I think I’m getting there.” you would hope in real life they are having these conversations, but for some reason the show can’t share them. ?

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I thought it was also interesting when Zach mentioned how behind closed doors they “had the conversation about important things like religion, politics…” - made me think have they talked about this stuff before? Is there a checklist? Religion, politics, kids, where they’d live, etc.???

Exactly. They can’t give us too much or we would figure it all out before the final rose.

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