Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I checked out the link above - first of all, not my type. Lol. Second of all, that Bachelor ad is AIRBRUSHED! He looks a little more normal, a little less like a senior Ken doll. :laughing:

He’s not super convincing to me in his story about how he thinks his wife would feel about it. Nothing personally against looking for love when you lose a spouse/partner! No matter your age!


Tough crowd. He looks pretty good, interesting enough to me and I’ll probably watch. I’ll be curious about the women and their stories. Hope they’re not too young!


I’m not saying he’s not good looking - he’s not my tour of good looking! All of course judged off a one minute clip :smiley:

I am not enjoying the current thing too much so might just be ready to move on! Bring on the old people!

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What??? Xavier just me me cry!

The season is okay. Just over Brayden and the drama. Dotun is my favorite so far. I’m going to continue to watch.


And we’re down to 6. This season is flying by

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I don’t understand Sean over John.

John’s “I’m fighting for my life here man” drama was SUPER annoying to me, I mean I understand where he’s coming from, but the whole chasing after Brayden to tell him that, why? I think Sean will be gone soon too, it’s hard for me to take him seriously for some reason. Maybe it’s the hair?! :joy:

My money is on Xavier, I don’t think she’s as physically attracted to Dotun as she is to Xavier, but for sure they both seem like good matches.


I agree with @sevmom that this season is just not doing it for me. The only thing I found interesting about last night is that I’ve been to Stephenson WA, and I think to that hotel. I thought the Girl Scout date was really stupid.

I really dislike Aaron.

I wonder how long Braydon was there at the cocktail party. Did he really take up all the time that John could have had or was it 10 minutes? I don’t think Braydon will be the bachelor or even at BIP. He’s said twice now he doesn’t believe in the process. He really wanted The Dating Game where there is one winner and the losers go home, not a game with multiple winners every week.

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I know Charity is a nice young woman and some of the guys seem okay. But, in general, the Bachelorette and lots of these guys, the settings, the games, just haven’t been that interesting so far. At least to me. And Brayden was super annoying but maybe I’ll end up missing his drama! I do hope Charity ends up happy as she seems pretty determined to find her “person.”

I don’t see a shining star in either of them for charity but clearly they have given Shawn a lot to screen time.

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Lol the podcast I listen to says Sean has Disney Prince character written all him - the hair and all!

A common complaint is that the show seems to spend MUCH more $ on the bachelor seasons and the places they go, the things they do.
The bungee jumping seemed extreme for this show and yep the Girl Scout thing was lame.

My synopsis:
Sean - just not her type
Tanner - nice guy but at this point, too little too late
Aaron B - something about him creeps me out a bit - like some hidden stiffness or anger or something. She needs fun loving and he is not it
Doton: he’s smitten with her but again he seems a little :sleeping: and don’t know if he will hold her interest
Xavier : dude is emotional! Love that he knits! Has a good heart! I’m not sure she is romantically into him
Joey: he just seems young for her. Good friends but not lovers? I think he is trying really hard for her though.
Who am I missing? Is there one more??

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Yeah…I see that :sweat_smile:

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Isn’t he the one that Braydon said looked like Prince Charming from Shrek?

Wasn’t there a little “spoiler” in the previews of one contestant who seems to get a hometown? We see a little clip of probably his dad asking Charity about their relationship - and he says the contestants name?? I was surprised to see that.

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:joy: Yes!

I wonder if the lack of comments in this thread is in line with this season’s ratings.

I find myself not knowing the guys very well. It was similar in Rachel/Gabby’s season. We know about Xavier’s mom, Dotun’s immigration story, Joey’s dad, but we’re not seeing much else.

I felt sorry for Tanner. Strung along on the 2 on 1, then strung along on the group date only to be let go just before the rose ceremony. I think both of them knew that their first one on one date wasn’t going to be when they visited his family. Also, I was surprised that Charity was in jeans when Xavier was in a suit. Something seemed off.