Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I’m glad Sean got sent home. I feel that way about anyone seeking extra attention by visiting the bachelor’s/bachelorette’s room.


Ugh, agreed. It feels like we’re on some sort of speed dating (even moreso) Bachelorette. I wonder, is the season shorter (less episodes)? I felt bad for Tanner too, he seemed like such a nice guy. And was it Aaron who got so upset he didn’t have a one-on-one in his own hometown? That seemed kind of outsized.

Totally off topic, but am I the only one who is distracted by the insanely glossy lipstick? :lipstick:

Too funny! This week I was so bored that I got distracted and was noticing how thick her foundation was. Then I looked at the guys and could see their make up as well. Maybe there was a back up make-up person on set. :rofl:

Boring in general. Just nothing compelling to watch. Ratings are way down.

I knew I’d be bored this season because as smart as she is, I find Charity extremely boring.

The dates have been boring - even the locations…Oceanside? Really? That’s a military town (Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base) not a romantic date place (and weird they were less than 40 miles from San Diego where there are lots of fun and romantic things to do). We haven’t even gotten out of the states yet, and hometowns are next week. Something is off this season for sure.


The budget, for starters


Charity sèems very nice but I just don’t see why all these men would be after her and ready to commit to her after so little time with her. The whole premise seems to be getting more strange and boring. And creepy.

Xavier tells her he isn’t ready for an engagement and she keeps him anyway.

I predict no engagement at the end.


How about her fake eyelashes! So obvious!

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There are only 9 episodes this season - and I think that includes Men Tell All. Thus probably why we started with less men and before we barely start…we are at hometowns!

I think Tanner got a raw deal….doesn’t seem his nature to be pushy for time on a date. I SLIGHTLY wondered if might be considered for the next Bachelor (not golden :wink: ) and that’s why they strung him along……he seems like a very nice, responsible, handsome, average Joe - named Tanner.

To me it’s either Dotun or no one. To be honest, I wonder if Charity is ready for a mixed race relationship? I mean, it’s an appropriate question to ask her suitors but it’s just a feeling I get.

I don’t see her picking Joey. I gotta believe he goes to BIP.
I don’t see Xavier being ready for a commitment. He seems nice but distant.
Aaron B - yikes I hope she doesn’t pick him - he seems overprotective to an unhealthy point. But I think he’d take her in a heartbeat.

Dotun……she seems most at ease with him, easy talking, she cuddles in A LOT, he’s handsome, tall….

Hometowns should be telling!

( I try to post her as soon as I watch - I didn’t watch this week until last night because I was out of town and off tv!!)

Me too.

I’m relieved!

That’s all I’ll say for now.

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Does anyone remember if she voiced the questions when she was in the running with Zach? She may have, I just don’t remember it being the issue it has become in the last few weeks.

Thanks for no spoilers. I just finished watching the episode. Turned out exactly as I thought.

Seeing Dotun’s parents show up by surprise made me tear up :face_holding_back_tears:- the only time this season…maybe it’s hormones…

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Gabby Windey was just live on The View a few minutes ago. She was on both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Her big news was that she is now dating a woman.

I hope Charity ends up with Dotun.


Not only did I not see that coming, she’s dating comedian Robby Hoffman - an interesting pairing. But good for them.

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Some thoughts on the latest episode (no spoilers) - I love Dotun’s family! I love Xavier’s family. I like Joey’s family, although Uncle Joe…hmmm

I want a knitting class from Xavier.
I want a tennis lesson from Joey.
I don’t remember the date Dotun created :frowning:

I think spoilers on the episode that has officially aired are okay. Such as who got eliminated. Easy to not look at the thread until you’ve had a chance to watch, if you really don’t want to know.

There are plenty of spoilers out there already about who probably won (even though the final episodes haven’t aired yet). I think that’s what I hope would not be brought up before the final episodes have aired.


Agreed - and I just watched so have been ignoring this thread till now!

After this episode…
I like Doton even more and his family is AMAZING

I think Xavier is a special guy …who is not ready to marry charity - maybe even a little emotionally immature for a very serious relationship. But such a neat guy.

I think Aaron was crushed.

To be honest, I liked Joey less. He seems like he is sort of void of emotion - he’s trying to win a match, but for the wrong reasons? I didn’t love the way he talked to his mom.

I don’t see a world where Doton doesn’t win.

And I was surprised at Gabi but she has been a little secretive on social media the last couple months. I want her to be happy. I don’t know her partner though it seems i should know who they are!