Travelling around Texas A&M

I know that TAMU is a huge campus. How might one get from dorms to classes, dining hall, and other areas every day? I won’t have a car for the first few months at least, and campus shuttles are on a schedule so they’re not very convenient for going to places on the whim. Is it really hard to walk place to place? Does everyone drive there?

I would say on campus most people take the busses. It’s a lot faster than walking across the campus (when considering west campus) other wise, when considering central campus most people walk. I would say if you’re able to, try to walk the campus before your classes start in the fall and see if it takes you less than 20 minutes to get from place to place. If not, you can look at talking to profs about being late or you can look at changing your class schedule. I wouldn’t stress about it too much though, I hardly ever know of students having issues getting around in general. It’s a big campus, but you do get used to how to get around. Everyone doesn’t drive, but there is a good chance you’ll meet someone who does drive or you can get a lyft/uber if you really need to get somewhere off campus quickly.

All dorms are on campus and people walk everywhere, ride a bike, skateboard, or take a bus, especially if you have classes in west campus, most take the bus system. Even if you had a car, you would not drive around campus and park near each class. You would do one of the above from your dorm.
The bus system also goes to off campus housing stops. That said, you will need to bum rides or uber, to get around College Station.
Lot’s of people don’t have cars and they survived.

What is actually considered West Campus?

West campus is west of Wellborn and the railroad tracks(Reed Arena and the Rec are west campus and easily gotten to via the tunnel under Wellborn. White Creek Apartments, all things Equine, and other buildings. Here is a map. Click on each building and it will tell you what it is, so you can see what all is on west campus.

At registration, it is important to know where the classes are located, so get familiar with the buildings as you are getting familiar with looking up classes and practicing making schedules, to allow enough time to get from class to class. Most on campus classes are doable. It’s when you have to go to or from West campus, that you really need to plan ahead of time.

Thank you Thelma2. You are such a big help.

You are very welcome

My son did not have a car for his first two years. He is graduating next month in Aerospace Engineering. He lived in dorms near the engineering complex, so he could walk most places. He did occasionally use the bus system to get to Walmart, etc.

The on campus bus system is great and they also have a bus system that goes to apartments. You see a lot of bicycles and mopeds.

I work near TAMU campus and have recently started seeing a lot of people on yellow bike share bikes. Apparently this is a new partnership that just started.

@TexasMustang The off campus Aggie Spirit buses will take them to Target, HEB and walmart. The bus routes are in real time online and there is an app students can download with the times. The stops are timed (but are not always on time or can be full and you wait for the next one) and some stops are just waypoints, which they will stop if someone is there at the stop waiting. Otherwise, they keep on trucking. I found this online on the TAMU tansit FAQ
Bryan: Route 12 or Route 15
HEB: Route 27
Kroger: Route 26
Blinn: Route 12
Target: Route 27
Bush School: Route 05

Here is the transportation routes.
I have to zoom in once or twice for the routes to show up. Click on the Bus icon to display the route names/numbers. Click any route to see where that one goes. Click the bus icon to get back to the main route menu. The time tables are displayed and the timed stops. On the route, the diamonds are timed stops and the circles are waypoints.

You will need to show up on time for classes – do plan ahead. You are in control of your own schedule, don’t expect professors to excuse you, vast majority will not. My son had one conflict due to having two majors & a minor ( mandatory courses - one class time each), it took quite a bit to get both professors to sign off.

It is rare for a student to drive to class ( only if you’re off campus & are driving to campus) – you’ll need a parking pass which is for a specific lot & then some optional lots (space available) so you have to get to class from that spot. There are bike racks near parking lots so you can keep your bikes there if you are off campus & drive.

West campus also houses the business, government & agriculture schools. There is a tunnel by Kyle Field that is bike friendly – but DO ride as indicated…tickets are given for breaking the bike rules. Occasionally business students do drive (if they have cars) & park in the hourly lot when they are in business attire & have presentations. That is not in your parking pass, but you can use credit cards in the machines. IF your student is a business student – you would be wise to send them with at least one ‘business attire’ outfit to wear. They do also have a rental program for business attire for those that need it.