Trending up but is it enough

<p>I am a junior who started high school immature and with a lot of baggage(i.e coming out) and my gpa was ugly 1.5 freshman year and 2.4 Somphome but now junior year I have a 3.79 and I am aiming four a 4.0 senior .My SAT are average 680 reading 600 math and 550 writing. ANY suggestion on tell colleges and how bad will freshmen and sophomore year hard me? Really want to go to Syracuse</p>

<p>Have your guidance counselor sending a note saying why you did so bad, and perhaps try applying to colleges that ignore freshman year.</p>

<p>Maybe make a third thread?</p>

<p>some colleges dont evne loook at freshman year.</p>

<p>For example, princeton completely neglects your freshman year grades.</p>

<p>in ur commonapp, just explain to the colleges that you were blah blah blah during freshman year.</p>

<p>this will affect your rank though.</p>

<p>Two years in a row of low GPA isn’t good. Your sophomore GPA is definitely going to hurt you even if colleges don’t look at your freshman GPA. I agree with GIAT, talk with your guidance counselor.</p>