
<p>ok i know this is kind of random but im just curious...what trends (fashion, etc.) are popular at your school/in your area. i live in san francisco, and at my particular school, a lot of people have money, and we have a dress code. so the most popular styles, companies are: abercrombie, hollister, triple 5 soul, lacoste, le tigre, etc. fancy, slutty, over-priced. most people have straight blonded (fake/highlighted) hair, and fake tans. basically looking like "slut-barbie" is popular. also, those livestrong bracelets, and all the other similar ones for different causes are popular, even though half the people that wear them probably dont even know what they are for. also, its not considered cool to be really dumb, and a lot of really popular, fake people are really smart. so basically, that is the general population at my school.
what kind of trends are there at your schools and what is considered popular in your area?</p>

<p>I think you just described what HSs are like in the US as a whole.</p>

<p>Clothes: Abercrombie, American Eagle, Polo, Tommy, J. Crew, Express, some Gap and Old Navy, North Face jackets. </p>

<p>Accesories: Vera Bradley bags, Coach bags, Guess bags, Tiffany bracelets, LiveStrong bracelets</p>

<p>Looks: I go to a mostly white school, and these kids are NEVER fake blonde. That's because they were BORN blonde. Not many tans; they stay pale. NO slut-Barbie business. Girls at my school tend to look nice- straight hair, very little make-up, good clothes, little jewelry except maybe a nice bracelet or necklace. The goal isn't to look sexy so much as wealthy, generally modest and well-raised. </p>

<p>And being well-raised isn't going out and getting fake blonde hair, tans, tons of make-up etc.</p>

<p>It's good to be smart. Also, 70% of the school plays a sport. Out of a school of 1000, there's maybe five fat kids and maybe thirty overweight kids. Most everyone is tall and thin. I'm not exaggerating. People here care very much how they look, and the usually look very good.</p>

<p>They don't try to look like fake-tan, fake-blonde trash, because that's not considered good.</p>

<p>5 fat kids and thirty overweight kids? what's your definition of fat? some people who are not overweight look fat too.</p>

<p>Retro is hot now. Everyone seems to going retro here. You know, retro-sophisticate, retro-music, retro-goth, retro-gansta even.</p>

<p>Brands go from ugly jewelry from the dollar store to Burberry, LV, Coach (which is rather popular here), etc.</p>

<p>Livestrong bracelets are everywhere.</p>

<p>Most girls here are size two-six. Medium is six-eight. Overweight is nine-ten. Fat is size eleven-twelve. I don't know if anyone is over twelve.</p>

<p>actually, fake-livestrong bracelets are everywhere</p>

<p>sorry, but I am really feeling like being a ***** right now</p>

<p>i go to an all boys private catholic school so we wear suit's to school every day, but not uniforms, we just have to stay within a dress code but we can basically wear whatever we want. on occasion, i wear a pink tie or shirt, and others wear pastel pink, yellow, or green pants or jacket. </p>

<p>what are fake-livestrong bracelets? bracelets advocating other causes? b/c i wear a few bracelets advocating other causes such as giving blood.</p>

<p>ok, hey, I like my american eagle. They're the only place that makes jeans that actually fit me. Since I'm short, most jeans are 4-6 inches too long, and most petite jeans don't fit my thighs and hips. bleeeh.</p>

<p>Anyway, at my school, the whole popped collar on polo shirts is insanely popular - I do not live it. Livestrong bracelets are popular. Slutty people barely stay in the dress code (which isn't inforced too strongly), so skin definitely shows. The fake tan isn't so popular, but some people have it. Straight hair is a must. Highlights (chunky obviously fake) of light brown or blonde are in. Um, designer or knock off bags are popular. Also, those one bags - I don't know what they're called - they're kinda small backpacky and look like they were made out of leftover fabric from a country house's window curtains. Well, maybe I just think that because I've seen a country house with almost the identical patterns. Also, mascara is like, a must, along with really really poorly applied eyeliner. In my school, it's also kinda a trend to carry around a mint container that has ibuprofen, advil, etc. in them because we all get headaches so much - the teachers. But yeah, Holister and Abercrombie are huge. iPods are a MUST. </p>

<p>heh, I do not like trends.</p>

<p>livestrong bracelets are the yellow ones that say livestrong on it. everything else w/ different word(s) or color are fake</p>

<p>I mentioned almost every girl at school has a Vera Bradley bag. Are these the ones? </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>They're somewhat pricey and girls here carry their gym clothes in them. They look like country curtains. Are these the ones?</p>

<p>we wear uniforms but outside of school, nearly everyone tries to wear one kind of designer piece in their outfit, mixed in with vintage accesories. The main trend is BoBo - marykate and ashely trend - looking like as if they paid $1 for a clothing when they really paid $1000. </p>

<p>There's not many designer boutiques here so we buy them on the interent, get it shipped here.</p>

<p>Most popular designer - Marc by Marc Jacobs
Second popular - Chanel</p>

<p>Not much fake tan - everyone has REAL tan</p>

<p>95% have perfect bodies
4.9% a little chubby
0.1% fat</p>

<p>Chocolate brown is the new blonde hehe</p>

<p>and livestrong bracelets are here too - against the dress code but we still wear them</p>

<p>oh and for students that can afford a little more pricey bags, balenciaga bags are THE shiz school bags.. especially the aqua blue and yellow ones. (i have aqua and it's SOOOO pretty!!!! it's my little baby)</p>

<p>oh and for makeup, it's : BLACK mascara, very light eyeshadow, bit of concealor and foundation, and juicy tubes (they smell great!).
It's a very natural look i think.
But the MUST is: glowing skin.
So everyone carries around water with them. Water here, water there, pure water everywhere - everyone tries to get that 'glow'</p>

<p>I go to a typical wealthy suburban high school(not wealthy like some of the california publics but still wealthy). I guess people are not as brand conscious at my school, although they still exist. The whole brand thing began to fade out in middle school and I would like to not think of my fellow students as being so pretentious. Fake tans are definitely in though. </p>

<p>Another mild trend is this new "emo" look. You know the one where guys wear girl jeans and blazers with interesting hair styles. I think this trend is lame and is just another excuse to be a moron.</p>

<p>No trends at my school. We wear a uniform which is not THAT bad.</p>

<p>I'm a guy who goes to a public high school in Portland Oregon. The popped collar isn't all that big at my school, although I have popped mine a number of times. Pink shirts are in... girls seem to like them :)<br>
Jeans (various brands) that look like they came from a dryer explosion (discoloration and holes) are huge, everyone is dropping a lot of money of clothes that look like they were only 50 cents at Goodwill. The uniform has been a huge discussion at my school, I heard that some of the middle schools in my district will require uniforms, but it's going to be a while before my high school has uniforms. </p>

<p>My highschool is in Portland (where it rains more than the sun shines) so girls don't really have the real tans, they have fake tans. I have a tan from playing tennis this spring, and girls seem to think that is hot too. Not sure about the makeup, sorry.</p>

<p>Public high school in Maryland: lots of variety in trends. There are, of course, the slut girls with over-processed hair, over-done makeup, and clothing that is much too revealing. Goth/punk is a big thing over here: Hot Topic is their God. There are the preppy crowds with nice (not slutty) clothes.</p>

<p>The tiered miniskirt is huge here. Everyone wears flipflops. Surprisingly, there aren't too many blondes (natural or dyed). Fake tans aren't really popular. </p>

<p>There are lots of overweight and obese kids here. A couple of girls are rail-thin, but that's generally a natural high metabolism as opposed to dieting.</p>

<p>other trends at my school: myspaces. they are ridiculous. it is a verb (Im exhausted. I was up myspacing all night last night) xangas were big and better, but not myspaces are the thing that everyone has.
ipods are huge. everyone has at least one (yes, at least...)
which leads me to the worst trend of all: stealing. we had a special school assembly about it recently because it was sooooo bad. they put up a huge poster, and had everyone write something they had stolen from them at the school. they ran out of room, and used up ten pieces of poster paper. then they went, grade by grade, and had everybody stand up if youve ever had something stolen from them in the school. there were literally about 50 people out of 1200 not standing. thats bad.
also, most everybody plays a sport, or is in the band/theatre club. its rare to meet someone who doesnt do at least one of those. very rare.</p>

<p>there are very few overweight/obese people here. veeery few. the tiered miniskirts are huge here too.. but my school just posted the dress code for next year. last year, skirts could be 4 inches about the knee or longer. now they must fall below the knee, because nobody was ever in dress code. it will be vvery interesting to see what happens...</p>

<p>there's a lot of emo bashing on this board but that's how people dress like here, I think only a few actually live the lifestyle or are straightedge. I see a lot of darker and black hair now and bangs from guys and girls. kinda hate that it got all mainstream now. the clothes used to be a lot of a&f but now they are brighter and funkier. A lot wear the studded pyramid belt, not just a punk thing anymore.
In school on the east coast guys wore pink and yellow. ipods of every color with every accessory. People bought personalized Nikes online. Shirts with sayings on it. Saying quotes from Napolean Dynamite. Dating or talking about Asian girls. Those dumb rubber band things on your wrists. Exercising is a hobby.</p>