<p>So who among you applied to Trials? I heard they plan to accept 20 and over 5,000 have applied already.</p>
<p><a href="http://trials.atfoundation.org/index%5B/url%5D">http://trials.atfoundation.org/index</a></p>
<p>So who among you applied to Trials? I heard they plan to accept 20 and over 5,000 have applied already.</p>
<p><a href="http://trials.atfoundation.org/index%5B/url%5D">http://trials.atfoundation.org/index</a></p>
<p>nobody from CC applied?</p>
<p>I did. And if they’re planning to accept 20… now I really really doubt I’m going to get in.</p>
<p>How do you know they’re only planning on accepting 20?</p>
<p>best of luck to us both!</p>
[HLS</a> launches joint TRIALS program with NYU and Advantage Testing Foundation](<a href=“http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2009/02/26_trials_program.html]HLS”>http://www.law.harvard.edu/news/2009/02/26_trials_program.html)</p>
<p>anyone with any experience of this program? my brother is applying and i really hope he gets selected, it seems amazing.</p>
<p>omg! this looks amazing!!! i wish i knew about it before…</p>
<p>I applied too…yeah it really doesn’t look that promising…if you can get into TRIALS, you can pretty much get into Yale Law, haha.</p>
<p>OMG, I was selected finalist!</p>
<p>“I am writing to let you know that you have made it to the final round of
admissions to the inaugural Trials class this summer. While acceptance to
the program at this point is still very competitive and by no means
certain, we think you should be proud of what you have already
accomplished: your application was among a few dozen selected as finalists
from over five thousand initially submitted.”</p>
<p>anybody else? I’m totally shocked. Didn’t see this coming at all.</p>
<p>Nope, didn’t get anything. But congratulations!!! Good luck!</p>
<p>Thank you :)</p>
<p>I’m a finalist as well.
Good luck!</p>
<p>Hey, awesome! Glad to see another CCer make it to finals with me. When is your interview? Mine is next Tuesday.</p>
<p>It sounds like this is only for undergrad students, is that true?</p>
<p>It definitely doesn’t take high school students, but I’m not sure about specific rules about recent graduates who haven’t gone to law school yet.</p>
<p>Congrats guys!!
I applied to trials as well.</p>
<p>How did u guys get in already when the application was due March 1st?!</p>
<p>Hey, thanks! We’re actually not in yet. We’re among the 60 selected out of 5,000+ applicants to be in the final round, but only 20 will be selected in the end. Only finalists have been notified thus far.</p>
<p>Hey again, somebody PMed me to ask how I know there were 60 finalists, and I thought I should share the answer with you guys. I asked one of the program coordinators to clarify what she meant by “a few dozen,” and that’s what she responded with.</p>
<p>My interview is the 14th.</p>
<p>hey…i applied but never heard back either
anyway, i’m curious as to how the interviews of CCers who made it to finals went! let me know and good luck to the rest of you!!</p>