Triple room in smith

Any opinions/insight into a triple room in smith? I’d really like to live there and heard you are much more likely to get smith as a triple room and you still have plenty of space as the rooms are quite big there. I always thought a triple would be kind of fun but I’ve also heard some horror stories… any comments would be appreciated!


I’m a current freshman in smith, I live in a double but a lot of my friends live in triples. Not a lot of people choose smith as a top choice so it’s pretty easy to get into in my opinion so if you want to live in a double, I would recommend finding a roommate on the class Facebook page when you rank your dorm choices. Otherwise if you are cool with the idea of having random roommates, which can be a good experience too, go for it. Triples are big, you’ll most likely have to have at least 2 lofted beds, but the ceilings are really high so its still comfortable. Also, if you don’t like you’re roommates, which can happen whether you live in a double or a triple, you’ll make plenty of friends on your floor that you can hang out with in their rooms instead. It’s not like you have to stay in your room all the time. Dorms are a great and valuable experience no matter what, living in a single, double, or triple, all have their pros and cons.

Oh my understanding was getting into a double at Smith was kind of difficult! Have you heard complaints about the triples being too crowded or anything?

Triples you definitely have a better chance if you’re worried but I don’t think its super difficult. Triples can get crowded but not NEARLY as crowded as doubles in other dorms like witte or sellery and smith still is very social like witte and sellery.

Okay thank you so much!