<p>If I get in (and can go, obviously!) I’ll be listing New/North as my first choice for housing and Birnkrant second. Unfortunately I hear those are the most popular so are likely to get full quickly.</p>
<p>I also like the look of the international residence community in Parkside.</p>
<p>The thing about New/North is…it’s known as a very party-heavy residential college, right? I like that it’s the most social but I’m not into the party scene. Hmmm…</p>
If you do enroll at SC have you thought about choosing the cinema floor? I understand the cinema students become a close knit group and collaborate on projects. This might be another option for you.</p>
<p>Hi, I know I’m a bit late here, but I’m female, from TX, and USC is my number 1. I hope to attend Marshall, gah I freak out everyday hoping for the acceptance letter.</p>
<li>U of Alabama*</li>
<li>U of Miami</li>
<li>U of Illinois Urbana Champaign*</li>
<li>Southern Illinois Carbondale*</li>
<p>I just discovered that Jason Robert Brown as in JASON ROBERT BROWN is directing a show at USC this spring. Do I even need to mention how much my interest just shot up?</p>
<p>haha sorry I’m a theatre dork, if you don’t know who he is, he’s one of the eminent contemporary composers for musical theatre.</p>
<p>mine are in random order
USC #1
Cal state Long Beach
San Diego State Univ
Univ of San Diego
Univ of South Florida
Florida International Univ*
Marquette Univ<br>
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
Univ of Minn-Twin Cities
Cal state Los Angeles*</p>
<p>Eiffel: I mean, I guess it’s a nice balance to have this program in a big university, but…I don’t know, I think I’m just scared of the idea of “liberal arts” or something. =P
I really don’t know. I don’t really like small.</p>
<p>Schools in some possible order:
LMU (big question mark on this one)/Washington State
University of Portland
Portland State
UH/CSU Northridge (depending on if I’m desperate enough to get out of state to deal with the California economy in a public school)</p>
<p>According to the USC dorms thread, Birnkrant seems…favorable. I’m not really up to a ton of social life/partying, but I don’t want to be somewhere where it’s totally quiet and everyone’s locked up in their rooms, studying on their own. (I’m an English nerd…the grammar in this last sentence is bothering me, but I don’t want to change it. Heh.)</p>
<p>Read Wisdom’s comment above and thought it ok that I post even though I’m a parent. Son is a freshman singer/songwriter in the popular music performance program. He is taking a 2 credit class taught by Jason Robert Brown titled “Songwriting for Musical Theatre”. This is one of many extraordinary exposures he has had already as a freshman. The exposure to the entertainment industry of the industry majors is incredible and in this case it is somewhat across departments since he is not a theatre major. </p>
<p>Also, son is in a triple in Birnkrant and I loves the balance of social and studious and the triples are two doubles put together so 33% more room. When people asked what dorm he was in he would say Birnkrant. Common response was “That was my first choice” He said his reply was “Yeah mine too”. Knowing him that was probably said with a smartass grin.</p>
<p>haha, raddad…I’d probably respond the same way to the dorm situation.
Aaahh, all the cool stuff there.</p>
<p>Extracurriculars…marching band (I have a USC band shirt. I wear it to band practices on ‘red’ days. =P) and I’m kind of interested in their TV station. Oh. And for clubs, definitely the Hawaii club. That’s a given.</p>
<p>And I thought it was cool that they have a ping pong (or do they call it table tennis?) club.</p>
<p>trumpetcolor: if you’ve got any questions about the USC Marching Band, feel free to ask me, I’m a current member and I’d love to share. Out of curiosity, where’d you get a band shirt?</p>