Trustee Scholarship?

<p>So, I got the Trustee Scholarship, but to be honest I was expecting a higher one. My unweighted GPA is a 3.85, my weighted is a 4.52 and my SAT was a 1480. I've taken five APs and gotten 5s on each, and I participate in plenty of ECs. Also, Northeastern gave me a half tuition scholarship. </p>

<p>I was just wondering if other people who got Trustee had similar scores as me, or if people who have similar scores to me got more. I was just really surprised when I saw my financial aid package. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>I don’t blame you - based on your SAT, you should have been eligible for at least the Dickinson (20k) or University (24k). Do you know your class rank or, if not, your decile (top 5%, top 10%, etc). Did you take the ACT? Did you get a Miami Grant (merit based)?</p>

<p>I’m in the top 10%, and yeah I did get the Miami grant</p>

<p>Well, if the total of your Trustee Scholarship (11k) and your Miami Grant is about 20k, then you probably ended up with about what you would have expected? But maybe not what you hoped for? There may be “budgeting” at play here within Financial Aid - they only have so much $$$ to hand out in the form of scholarships and so much to hand out in the form of grants, so they have to offer a combination of the 2 in your case to make up the total award.</p>

<p>Of course it would have been nicer to have started with say the 20k scholarship and ALSO have gotten a nice Miami Grant on top of that…</p>

<p>It is impossible to know how these decisions are made, since none of us are admissions or financial aid officers - we’re just making guesses based on what we’ve seen or experienced in the past.</p>

<p>Hope you are still able to attend the []_[] with the offer you have received.
Wish you all the best.</p>

<p>yeah i think this has happened to a lot of people this year. are you going to contact admissions? i’m debating if i should. i dont want to sound like i’m begging for more money.</p>

<p>I think I will. I don’t see any harm in it, and if you present a good case, who knows? I’m not expecting anything, but I’m definitely hoping. With the package I got, I can still afford the U, but even a bit more would put it over the edge and seal the deal. We’ll see!</p>

<p>yeah let me know what they say. at open house i heard someone emailed them and received a better scholarship but i’m not sure how true that was.</p>

<p>I was surprised to see my FA. I didn’t expect UM to give a lot even though I had high scores. Maybe it was your SAT. well hopefully they’ll give you more because i don’t think im going despite good FA.</p>

<p>So, I sent in an appeal letter, and they sent a very nice response but didn’t give me anything else. I don’t know if anyone else had better luck.</p>

<p>I’m in the same position. I was expecting 24k at least, and I only got 16k. They keep claiming they do a “holistic” review of your application, but I’m really not sure what I don’t have… I’ve spent my entire high school life with sports, volunteering, clubs, leadership positions, studying, etc. I also have a friend that’s a valedictorian who also only got 16k.</p>

<p>The page that says what you need for each scholarship has become inaccurate. I talked to an admissions counselor last week and because Miami is becoming so much more competitive and has jumped in rankings, they had to be more selective this year - I’m happy I even got in and got the Trustee.</p>

<p>MDGirl, my daughter’s stats were close with yours (high gpa and little lower SAT) and she received the same. I thought it would be at least 16k too. I thought about appealing but she received a much better package at Case, so we just decided to let it slide and she is matriculating there. Sort of disappointing though. I would have really loved to see her attend UMiami. Just seems that Case wanted her more than UMiami! Sort of strange since Case and UMiami are tied nationally at #38 in ranking why their offers would not have been more similar.</p>

<p>Same thing as OP stated happened to me.
I committed anyways.
Maybe the next year I can receive a bigger scholarship/FA due to a completely different FAFSA</p>