Trying to apply for the business school of Madison

Hi guys
I’m an international student trying to apply for b school.
Is anyone had been accepted by business school here…?
I really need a help!
Could you guys please share some information about the questions they will ask on the application?
I found that b school is asking students to finish their application form within 24hrs (Once students click the “apply” button on the website, time will start ticking…).
You know… that’s too much for international students… just like me.

Are you a HS student or a college student wishing to transfer? You first get admitted to the university as a whole, then to your major. It does not matter what your intended major is for admissions to UW. You need to do a UW-Madison application. Very few entering freshmen also get a direct admission to the Business School. If you are already a college student and wish to transfer to UW look at the transfer students admissions info. You will need test scores, transcripts and tests for your knowledge of English.

So- first apply to UW. Then apply to the business school. The latter can be done while you are already a UW student.