Tuition Exchange for Fall 2021 Applicants

My DS is applying for TE too. Applied to 10 TE schools:

Bucknell, Lafayette, Dickinson, Gettysburg, Univ of Delaware, Skidmore, Hobart William & Smith, Franklin & Marshall, Villanova, and Siena. It seems very few spots open to TE applicants so actually getting it will be difficult. Good luck to everyone who is applying!

I’d be surprised if any school did that. Does anyone know of schools that stack TE and merit?

Catholic University stacks. My son (Class of 22) got both, but ultimately went to a non TE school that was a better fit.

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someone said this above so I was hopeful: I have heard that [Syracuse]allows stacking, meaning some kids may get additional scholarships on top of TE. However, I am not sure if that is still the case and/or when they let kids know.

Same for my daughter, the TE portal has not been updated with Case TE.

University of Southern California (USC) stacks TE and merit. If my S2 gets TE and the NMF award there – he gets the equivalent of full tuition plus $8K towards room and board. What I don’t know is how many TE scholarships USC gives out.


I’ve heard USC and Syracuse allow stacking.

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One of my daughter’s safety schools emailed that they have received over 100 TE applications. They did not mention how many slots they give out. Sigh, not feeling too optimistic that TE is going to work out.

Hi… Now I am curious about Tulane and where they may be at with applications for TE. Did you email the safety school and ask that question and that’s how you heard from them?
Thank you

No, we didn’t email them. The school sent an email to my husband (who is the one employed by a university). It looked like a generic letter sent to everyone who applied for TE, which I guess is nice. It also discussed when you could expect to hear on TE decisions, etc. We have not received anything like this from any other schools that we applied to for TE.

Thank you for getting back. I have not received any letters. Upon reading threads from last year, I am starting to realize what a long shot TE can be for many of the schools.

I agree. I also find it ridiculous that some schools only offer TE to 1-3 students per year. Really they shouldn’t be able to participate if they are offering so few slots. It’s a lot of time, work and money to apply to these schools when your chances are slim. We tried to apply to TE schools that also offer a good amount of merit money in case the TE doesn’t come through. Of course D’s #1 choice doesnt offer merit money, and it will be a long shot on TE… Fingers crossed for us all!

Peachpie9, I’ve been feeling much the same.

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Yes, I was very pleased and excited to see the amount of Merit coming in with many of my D’s safety schools acceptances. That would be my advice and takeway from this experience. Really focus on the safety’s as they truly want your student and are very generous in order to hopefully get you to enroll. Sadly my D’s 2nd choice ( 1st choice did not work out) did not offer Merit with the acceptance. No doubt because she was an ED2. Personally I wish she had waited and just let all the RD schools come in but hard to contribute our wisdom with a teen. I always encouraged her to seek her passion and that included her choice of college. Just wish TE was a bit more accommondating and transaparent. Fingers crossed. Hoping the TE college’s attitude wont be based on “…oh we have you (ED2) so why sweeten the deal with TE.” That would be so discouraging.

Some schools actually state in their TE description that preference will be given to ED applicants.

HI, Yes, Occidental does that. I didn’t see that in Tulane’s TE description though. Curious the strategy for this. For example, in Occidental’s case. I wish there was more transparency on what colleges look for in their TE applicants. Leaves a bit of vacumn in my mind and I start inventing stuff. LOL

@Breagh. I hear you! Safety schools have offered great merit but of course our D isn’t all that interested in those schools! Have you tried writing an email to the Adm Officer at her ED school and explain that you really need the TE to make this work and were disappointed that she didn’t receive any merit. Good luck!

Yes, I ended up by emailing the Liason on Friday but mostly just spoke to how excited my daughter is to be going there which she is…then I asked about when the decisions will be made for TE and if they needed anything more from me. I figured that was a good start so as to let them know there is someone with a pulse out there and following TE very carefully. I am preparing myself for disappointing news. Glad I have this support group. LOL

Pitt sent my DS an email today to let him know he did not receive TE and that they don’t have a wait list. This decision is not a surprise as he is below their previous years’ posted TE stats. The curious thing is that he hasn’t yet received an admissions decision from the school. Hopefully, he’ll hear something soon. Anyone else hear from Pitt?

Does that seem odd that they would not have a waitlist? My export college always recommended we hang tight on a waitlist as sometimes things come through… in Summer usually but sometimes it does works out. Also odd that you heard before you even got word of admittance. I wonder whats going on out there.