Tulane Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

I don’t know why it would change after the Honors weekend because it’s just for the parents/kids to visit the school, they haven’t even necessarily commited.


Has anyone heard about the Stamps scholarship yet? It should have come out by now, but I’m just curious to see if anyone can confirm that.


thats what im curious about too

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Continuing the discussion from Tulane Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission:

I empathize with you on coming to terms with the costs! It’s mind blowing how expensive college has become. True there are options that are far more affordable than others but they don’t necessarily offer the best fit for a particular student. Very glad we have 2+ months to make a decision.


I hear you on the idea that “less selective” schools for more highly/overly qualified kids in theory would get more merit $$. It doesn’t always work that way. All I can say is that while I was completely freaking out about the cost of Tulane (my son is currently a junior - LOVES it and getting a great education), I was VERY impressed at how receptive they were to our situation. The bottom line, they really stepped up and slightly exceeded our net price calculator numbers. Further still, when my daughter became a freshman this year, they stepped up again another notch to work with us. I know everyone’s financial situation is different, but they really did work us so that I wasn’t freaking out or having to grab a second mortgage. The same cannot be said of large public universities, where the mantra is “Thank you, Next!”


How soon after D22 was accepted that you saw her merit / scholarship award in the Gibson portal?

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Thank you for posting this, makes me feel better. I am always hearing how happy both the kids and parents are. Another 2 months and and we should know where she’ll be…

It was stated in her acceptance letter.

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Thank you.

Daughter applied EA and was deferred last month but just got accepted with a $20k/yr scholarship - it’s kind of confusing as to why she was deferred and then so quickly accepted (with a scholarship), but the college admission process is a little crazy.

3.95uw/4.21w GPA
ACT 33
8 APs
Demonstrated high interest (attended many (5+) virtual sessions and visited in person this past summer)


Congratulations to your daughter! My daughter was also deferred EA and is so disappointed, especially when her college counselor told her nobody gets accepted from EA deferral. I’m hoping maybe there’s still a little ray of light :grinning:

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Good luck to your daughter. I know we weren’t holding out much hope either but glad our situation offers a glimmer of hope.


same. Haven’t seen anyone post anything but assume they went out this week…

DD was accepted yesterday, too, after an EA deferral.
3.99 UW, test optional, dual enrollment and APs, and a fair amount of demonstrated interest. LOCI was sent in January.


I am glad you enjoyed your visit. I flew down for movin-in day last August which was lucky as that was the last time we allowed to go into the dorms so at least I saw Wall. I have since gone to Parents Weekend last November which was a really fun event. I was pleased on both trips that NOLA was requiring a vaccine card to enter restaurants. It made the trip feel safer. My daughter had a bit of a rocky start with having to deal with a forced triple which is when they place 3 students into an otherwise double room. And also with Ira. Fast forward to now, things are looking up and my D is doing well and plans to stay. (We were not sure for awhile). We did move her off campus to an apartment with 2 Juniors which did make a big difference as she could now study in the privacy and quiet of her own room. Also, the juniors were not so party-hardy as they had been there…done that unlike the Freshman. I think the triple really was unsettling. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.

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She did the form on the portal right away and then sent a separate LOCI email a few weeks later.

I think you will be covered by their need based aid if your EFC is $150. They may not see the need to provide merit if they know you will be getting covered with a different pot of money.


“Tulane is committed to making a world-class education accessible to all students who qualify to attend, regardless of family income. Tulane offers “no loan” tuition to students whose families have adjusted gross incomes less than $75,000 per year and who complete the two required financial aid application forms (the FAFSA and the CSS Profile) by February 15th . For qualifying students, Tulane ensures that the cost of tuition, fees, books, and transportation will be met with a combination of Tulane scholarship, the family’s institutional expected family contribution (EFC), and certain federal grants and/or ROTC scholarship.”

Financial Aid was posted for DD, and Tulane is her most expensive school, with a cost about 20k over our EFC. I am a little shocked at how bad it is.

Definitely out of the running for her without some sort of miracle.

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I believe the AGI limit raised to $100,000 now, but it is only applied to Louisiana residents if I remember correct.

My bad. I read again and realized that they have two “No Loan Promises”. One is for OOS students with $75,000 AGI limit, and the other one is for in-states with $100,000 AGI limit. (Our Promise to Louisiana | Undergraduate Admission)


$13k/yr orginally, they upped it to $17k/yr. still too expensive tho.