Tulane Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

That’s interesting. We only have award letter dates listed for two schools out of six. Guess we’ll find out soon enough. Hard not to speculate!


I’m sure the later date doesn’t mean anything negative. I’m assuming you are early action though, right?


Maybe some schools don’t input that info bc there is no way I’m getting into my reach and they do have a date for me.

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Yeah the one other school that has a date listed is a reach for us, too.

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I applied EA with a 1470 SAT, 3.97 UW, 4.54 W, very strong course rigor and good ECs and good essays.

However, I never joined any webinars or did anything with Tulane. Kinda applied last minute. Do I still have a good chance of getting in?

Everyone has a chance. Good luck

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Yep, EA.

Gotta be in to win it!
The only thing I have heard (ad nauseum) is that Tulane loves students who love them back - ergo EDI and EDII. Our DS has shown them crazy LOADS of love, but concerned that with EA the love with likely result in a deferment.


Hopefully not. I think your son will get in :blush:

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I’m rooting for you @happytimesforever !!!



I have to agree with your parents. I am not a fan of ED. Happy thoughts and fingers crossed EA works out.

Hang in there! Merit is a great help. No one should leave college in debt.


So what was your reason for applying then?

It’s pretty prestigious and no fee so it’s cool.

What do you know about the school?

same here. DD showed lots of demonstrated interest, wrote a good (in my opinion :wink: ) Why Tulane essay. But we absolutely expect deferment on Monday.


But why are you expecting deferment?

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because they admit so very few in the EA round


It’s in New Orleans, they check for demonstrated interest, they have no application fee, it’s a good uni.

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I hope you have good results

same for you!!

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