Tulane Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

This plus the Arch article was a double whammy.


Hey there. My son is a junior at Tulane. Even though I think these colleges are getting tougher to get into every year, Tulane stresses more than almost anyone that they want people for whom Tulane is their first choice. Thatā€™s why the high ED acceptance rate. The ā€œWhy Tulaneā€ essay has to be the most compelling marriage proposal ever written (along with the stats to support it). So if your kid has the stats and their love for Tulane comes through, they probably have a decent chance. If youā€™re unfamiliar with their Spring Scholar program, prepare to get that offer if your kid is borderline.

Also, I saw a comment about Tulane having ā€œIvy level acceptance rateā€, donā€™t be fooled. They get a ton more applications because they donā€™t charge a fee. They do this so they can have a low acceptance rate and appear highly selective. It just means a lot more applications from students who donā€™t have the stats or the compelling ā€œWhyā€ essay. Cynical but I believe itā€™s accurate.

Good luck to all!


Honestly, this is the reason they have a deceptively low acceptance rate - the last minute/no fee applications. Your stats are good but Tulane love is #1 by far. Tulane love plus New Orleans love plus community service love. If you hit those three then youā€™re golden. Good luck!


Which article are you referring to?

If you are deferred and Tulane is your childā€™s first choice then you will need to switch to EDII. They really donā€™t accept anyone RD. However, I read that they are admitting 1600 less kids EA this year so there may be some acceptances through RD/waitlist. Best of luck to you. My daughter is a freshman and today is the one year anniversary from when she heard from Tulane.

Did you write the ā€œWhy Tulaneā€ essay? Is Tulane a top pick. If Tulane thinks they are a safety to you they will probably defer you but if you decide you really want to go there you can try for ED2. I have no idea if you can supplement your app at that point or not besides a LOCI. My daughter was accepted EA last year and is now a freshman at Tulane

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Last year my daughter received her merit aide with her acceptance and did not receiver her financial aide package until mid-late February. I didnā€™t pay attention to the award letter date prior to acceptance so canā€™t help you there but I know that we had to submit many documents to Tulane through IDOC on top of the FAFSA and CSS. Good luck to you.


Yes, I wrote the Why Tulane essay pretty well. Heard it was super important, more important than the personal statement. Iā€™m fine with a deferral because I think if I show interest Iā€™ll get in eventually but just donā€™t want a rejection.

Hi all again. Not so sure the award letter date represents Tulane specific scholarship entries. I say this bc Drexel is also on the css dashboard and we didnā€™t apply for any independent Drexel scholarships. Yet he was awarded some money on 12/15. The award letter date on css has this date. For Tulane, scholarship awards are not determined until February. So sorry m still unsure what his current award letter date stays of 1/24 really means. This is so nerve wreaking.

Thanks so much. Fingers and toes crossed

Tulaneā€™s portal changed. The button to switch to EDII from EA has gone.

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What do you think that means? A decision has been made bc Ed2 deadline not until 1/3

Iā€™m really guessing it probably means that you either were accepted and donā€™t need to switch to EDII or rejected and it no longer matters. So, itā€™s actually 50/50ā€¦ In essence, It probably means little to nothingā€¦

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I believe you have a strong chance. The next question will be how much the financial offer is. Good luck!

Oh boy. DS is definitely not getting in EA. High stats - 1550, 4.0&4.6, decent ecs but did not show much love and IMO why Tulane essay was kind of weak.

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You never know these days!! You can be pleasantly surprised on Monday.

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Do you think itā€™s just that theyā€™ve pulled the button until EA decisions are put out? Mine says ā€œIf applicable, the option to switch to Early Decision II will return here after EA decisions are finalized and released.ā€ Does anyone still have the button?


I donā€™t have it.

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My sonā€™s says the same thing.

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They do like high test scores to bump up their average. Anything is possible and it can be hard to pinpoint reasons, so you never know.

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