

<p>So I want to tutor more kids since I'm only tutoring one. I don't know how to approach this matter about trying to get more kids to tutor and what not. A lot of problems I have ran into are schools offering "free tutoring" programs for community service, but I defintely need to have paid opportunities to help subsidize a bit for college. Any suggestions or ideas to how I should take this? </p>

<p>I intend to do self tutoring but would it be better to work with a company like Sylvan or Kumon? And if so, how would I approach that? </p>

<p>Thanks for the Help CC!</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>You can apply to become a well-paid tutor for Veritas Tutors, a Cambridge-based tutoring company-</p>

<p>Check it out:
[Veritas</a> Tutors - Tutors](<a href=“http://www.veritutors.com/index.php?page=tutors]Veritas”>http://www.veritutors.com/index.php?page=tutors)</p>

<p>bump ----------</p>

<p>Make up some fliers and post them at area schools. Make sure to get the community colleges. I tutor through my school (paid by the school), and even though the services through the school are free to the students I still regularly get requests for private tutoring. At my school a student has to make an appointment a couple of weeks in advanced and there are always students who need help right away. So don’t let the fact that the school offers free tutoring stop you from posting fliers.</p>

<p>You could become a tutor at Veritas Tutors, based in Cambridge MA. they pay their tutors well, and their tutors are great to begin with. Take a look:</p>

<p>Veritas Tutors - Tutors</p>