Twas the week b4 AP

<p>and I am huge idiot. Here's the deal:
This year i took an AP US Govt course online (biggest mistake of my life). im still catching up on approx seven chapters of work. it sux balls.
Anyhoo, i signed up for both the APUSG exam and the Comp Govt exam since ive heard that one complements the other. I got Ethel Woods's book and started reading. It really is quite useful. However, Im now just concentrating on finishing my APUSG work and using all of next week to study study study. I doubt I will have time to study adequately for the comp test. My parents have already paid for it so, with respect to that, what's done is done. Now, I DO NOT want to take a test I know I will do poorly on. On the day of the AP, should I just be like to the proctor "I don't want t take this"? Or should I take it and then cancel the score on that test (or do you have to cancel the scores of all the APs you took, just like the SAT II policy)?
If anybody has been able to go through the Woods book in a week or less and do well on the Comp exam (4+) please let me know! Thanks to all who respond.</p>



<p>I wouldnt take it bc ur performance in comp might hinder ur performance in usg+p.
1. You might get tired.
2. "" Frustrated.
3. "" sick of testing
so if ur SURE (and I MEAN SURE. Otherwise just see how u'll do) ull get a 1 (or mayb 2), take the other one.</p>