U Miami Parents Thread

<p>I live in NJ and they had a list specifically for Miami. After I registered for my son, I got a call from a manager at the local store, and they offered to deliver my order for $25. Since we are flying in the morning of move-in, I found that extremely helpful.</p>

<p>greenynj - That’s great to hear! I need to drag D over to BBB to get this process started…</p>

<p>Phernden - Several of us are staying at the Hampton Inn. Besides our family, Zincwhiskers, dindune, VHfather, and MeteorMom (anyone else?) will be there. I believe Zinc is working on plans for a group dinner on Thursday and/or Friday while the kids are busy elsewhere : )</p>

<p>Thanks for volunteering me illinoismom93!! Not to make this too complicated - how about those of us who are staying at Hampton in Coconut Grove (or those who just want to join us for dinner) on Thursday - meet in the breakfast area at 6 pm? We can discuss a possible Friday get together on Thursday night.</p>

<p>I’ve only eaten at 1 restaurant in the Coconut Grove area (Peacock Garden) - which can be pricey. I’m hoping others who will be joining this group have more experience eating in the Grove and can offer suggestions - I have heard Jaguar is very good, but may be expensive too…</p>

<p>Any and all help welcome!!</p>

<p>We ended up at Courtyard Coconut Grove. </p>

<p>Have NO experience with restaurants there. May want to head over to the Hampton to join you all for dinner Thursday night. The "Cane Kick-Off is at 7:30 - so want to be back at UM then.</p>

<p>I’m thinking Friday night dinner with my DS… have to say goodbye… :(</p>

<p>We are at the Hampton Inn/Coconut Grove. When my daughter and I were there visiting earlier this year we did eat at Jaguar and enjoyed it. I just checked and we spent $44 for the 2 of us (we would have only had water to drink and an entree, no dessert) so that gives you an idea of price. I have no idea how busy we will be during orientation but would love to meet up if time permits!</p>

<p>Friday night dinner with my kids as well…Not sure if the dinner thing will work. We can all have breakfast together! Or meet up Thursday night around 9pm for coffee/tea in the lobby!</p>

<p>Just wanted to let you know the extended orientation brochure is up on the website with details about the whole move in week and beyond.</p>

<p>Hey ZincWhiskers! (and all) - We are a good possibility for a Thurs night dinner, depending upon son’s plans for dinner (which I presume will probably be with new friends).</p>

<p>Just wanted to throw out another option for a meal. When DS and I visited in April, we went to Berries in the Grove, which is just a short walk from the hotel.</p>

<p>Here is the menu/website - prices were reasonable and the food was great, at least when we ate there…</p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“http://www.berriesinthegrove.com/menus]Menus[/url”&gt;Menus | Berries In The Grove in Miami, FL]Menus[/url</a>] (check daily menu)</p>

<p>As an aside, I am profoundly hearing impaired (wear hearing aids), so it helps me if a place isn’t too super noisy - altho I can adapt and just look to my husband to clue me in on what’s going on/being discussed. Berries had a covered/sheltered outside area (depending on how hot it’s going to be may not be desirable) and didn’t seem to be too noisy inside either, but again, we will go with the flow/what everyone wants - just wanted to throw out that as an option, too…</p>

<p>Another question to throw out there: Are your out of state students traveling home for Thanksgiving? When are they traveling?</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>I’m tending to agree with DinDune here - with the Cane kickoff at 7:30 Thursday and most families wanting to do their farewell meals Friday night - dinner may not be a viable option for a group get together. </p>

<p>A casual meeting at 9pm-ish in the hotel coffee/tea area would be good, and if a few of us want to wander somewhere for an adult beverage or two…</p>

<p>MeteorMom - thanks for sharing the link to Berries - looks like a nice reasonably priced place for a bite to eat - and walking distance from the hotel is a plus.</p>

<p>@Phernden: D came home last year for Thanksgiving, but with the mobs of travelers and the iffy weather to the Northeast in November, it probably wasn’t worth it for the 3 day visit home. This year, she’ll likely be staying on campus and hanging with the (many) others who don’t return home. She flew home on Wednesday and returned on Sunday - 2 very long travel days…</p>

<p>Totally missed/didn’t think about Cane Kickoff at 7:30 Thurs. Looks like the timing may not be good for a dinner option, as you say…</p>

<p>@DinDune - I am a fairly early breakfast eater normally. I have very short, salt-pepper hair, glasses and hearing aids – so if you happen to see me eating breakfast, feel free to wander over and say hi!</p>

<p>Son will be living in a fraternity house this year. Any recommendations for a place close to campus to buy a mattress for his frat house room? The only one I could find advertised was Mattress Giant on South Dixie Highway. Also, any recommendation on where to find a reasonably priced ( okay cheap ) small sofa or love seat?</p>


Where is this? I only see the same preliminary schedule that’s been up for a while.</p>

<p>If you click on the preliminary schedule, it takes you to a page to download the extended version. It is long!</p>


<p>I think this is the direct link:</p>

<p><a href=“https://www6.miami.edu/orientation/pdfs/Orientation2012.pdf[/url]”>https://www6.miami.edu/orientation/pdfs/Orientation2012.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>meteormom -</p>

<p>I will PM you; that’s what dindune and I did right before S/S weekend in the spring. Based on her excellent descriptions, I was able to pick her family out of the crowd and now our Ds will be rooming together as freshmen this fall : )</p>

<p>Safe travels for everyone converging in Coral Gables this week. For those of us staying at the Hampton in Coconut Grove - informal “meeting” at 9 pm-ish in the coffee/tea area of the lobby. I’ll be the one with, well, zinc colored whiskers!</p>

<p>We’ll try to be there, too. My hubby is the one in the wardrobe of UMiami collared shirts. You will see him around the hotel for sure. My wardrobe consists of black and denim/blue. Safe travels everyone! Driving down tomorrow!</p>

<p>Have fun everyone! We just boarded our flight home. Move in went very smoothly. D is in Pearson this year in a single. So nice to have her own bathroom. And small world, Dindune’s D is in my D’s FF mentor group. Have a great time at the meet up.</p>

<p>I may have missed this somewhere, but wondered if the parents need any particular clothing for orientation. Looking over the schedule it seems mostly casual. Do people dress up for the brunch? Packing now. Flight at 7AM tomorrow. So excited! See you all soon!</p>

<p>Greeny - no special dress required. I only brought shorts, shirts and casual shoes with me last year. It’s hot there, so dress appropriately.</p>

<p>I’ll be at the Hampton Inn in Coral Gables starting tomorrow night - let me know if anyone else will be there.</p>