<p>Hey guys, i'm stuck between both of these choices, and I'm unsure of which one to choose. Possibly someone with experience can help me make the right decision! I would really appreciate any help, I'm stuck!! </p>
<p>I am going in undecided.</p>
<p>Looking for a nice school, with a good education, and community. (overall life)</p>
I know a handful of people that go to both, and based on what I’ve heard from both parties, I’m going to say that you should go for Buffalo.
Why? Well, most of the NP kids I know don’t seem to want to talk about college, and I get weird vibes from them that seem to scream “regret” or “why oh why.”
The B kids I know say pretty great things, such as how it’s very pretty, school is fun, people are likable, etc.
Either way I’d say you couldn’t go wrong with either of them, but just keep in mind that the harder a school’s admissions is, generally the more motivated the students in that school are.
This is just my .000002 cents. Take what I’ve said with a massive grain of salt. The people I asked about school could have been high, liars, or worse.
Good luck with your choice!!!</p>
<p>Thanks for the feedback
anybody else?</p>
<p>Visited both of them this weekend. </p>
<p>Personally, I like Albany better. I’m interested in Business myself, so both are great schools for that. Seeing as you’re undecided, either school would be OK because they both have a ton of options in terms of majors. It really depends which area you like better in the end - Buffalo is very cold/rainy/snowy/windy (it has the lake effect from Lake Erie) and gigantic, it’s also not as nice of a campus as Albany. Buffalo would definitely be the place to go if you think you want to do research/some sort of health profession, the South Campus is beautiful though the North Campus is quite ugly to tell you the truth.</p>
<p>Ultimately, visit both. See which one you like better.</p>
<p>It would help if you told us a little bit about what you are looking for, and what your impressions of each were when you visited.</p>