UAPD investigates death threat at Tutwiler Hall

<p>DS just called me about this. The guy sounds like an Eliot Rodger clone. I hope they track him down soon.</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>The latest report was the nothing was found and the “threat” was a rumor floating on social media, but the school took it seriously and police thoroughly searched Tut and found nothing. </p>

<p>The following is an email that UA sent to parents yesterday:</p>

<p>UAPD responded to reports of individuals with firearms at Tutwiler. Officers thoroughly searched the building and no weapons or unauthorized persons were found. The information that was provided to UAPD and other law enforcement agencies was based on rumors and social media posts and not actual witness accounts. UAPD will continue to investigate the situation to determine where the posts originated.</p>

<p>any updates?</p>

<p>Email from UA Police on September 22. </p>

<p>Many of you know that an alarming comment was posted on a YouTube recruitment video over the weekend. While we have no credible information at this point to determine whether this is a legitimate threat, The University of Alabama is taking this situation very seriously. Posting a terrorist threat is a crime and will be treated as such. UAPD is aggressively investigating to identify the individual(s) involved. Among other things, we have requested search warrants and are consulting with the FBI.</p>

<p>This comment appears to have been the catalyst for the incident last night at Tutwiler. And the ongoing social media conversation continues to fuel rumors and speculation and generate additional inaccuracies. </p>

<p>I can assure you that your safety is our top priority. I encourage you to continue to go about your normal routine. If you see something suspicious, please contact UAPD immediately at 205-348-5454. </p>

<p>There has been another threat posted since this email which was sent midday.</p>

<p>The motive for the threat seems to be anger directed toward UA’s controversy plagued Greek system. It’s really annoying that the first thing one sees after searching for videos on the University of Alabama at youtube, is one titled “Racist Sororities at the Univ. of Alabama,” as if the Sororities at other schools are paragons of racial equality. From what I have read, the person who made the threat posted the threat in the comments below this stupid video. Maybe the media should rethink its singling out of UA. Its causing at least one person to lose it and go off the deep end with threats of violence. </p>

<p>Just my opinion, but I don’t think we can speculate on the motive for the threat. It may have just been a practical joke that got out of hand. Continuing to speculate, just causes this story to stay in the spotlight and it needs to go away!</p>

<p>jrcsmom: Have you read the comment yet? Here is the comment left under the very offensively titled youtube video I referenced. “Ladies and gentleman. The day of retribution is getting nearer and nearer. Do not be found wanting. I have seen minorities suffer at the hands of those who think they are superior. This is my first message and I shall not say much. Take this the way you want; as a threat or whatever. All I know is that it will be a day when all that look at minorities with disgust shall remember. After this day, you shall appreciate every minority who walks on that campus. Friday the 20th of September was Miss Sorority Row. My mercy kept all of you alive because it was not yet the day of retribution. Do you want to know how it feels having a TAR-21 passing right through your flesh. I’ll be watching all frat parties and monitoring all of your events. The day is near. Be vigilant.” I took this quote straight from the CW at <a href=“”>A balanced approach to immigration reform - The Crimson White. So, yes, the motive is clear, and I don’t see how a threat can be construed as a prank. Of course the person may have not been serious, but you don’t get to call a threat a prank. </p>

<p>I doubt if he is REALLY a minority student.</p>

<p>I in no way meant to imply that the incident should not be taken seriously by the University and I agree the poster should have consequences for their actions. All I’m saying is there is a large number of people that feel unsafe on campus and parents that are paranoid that a threat is iminent as evident by the posts on the CW site, the University’s facebook page, and the unofficial parents Facebook group. There are students who are afraid to attend classes and stay on campus and I’ve seen numerous posts of people stating that they/their child is at a hotel because campus is not safe. UA and the UAPD have sent numerous messages that there is no imminent danger and that it is business as usual. As long as the speculation and discussion of this story continues, then the rumors, gossip, and hysteria are going to continue along with it. The story needs to disappear so that all students can resume their normal activities and lives.</p>