Sorority Threat

<p>Was on the phone with DD half the night regarding an anonymous gun threat to girls in sororities. Social media was raging which resulted in a military like lock down and search of Tutweiler by the police after a claim was made that there were gunman in the dorm. After the search, Tut was cleared and opened, but DD is is still scared. This internet threat is still out there and NO WORD from the university! Does anyone know anything?</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt; Hi bluehen85 - You should sign up to receive emails from the UA Parent Programs office. I received an email from them around 12:30 AM. “UAPD responded to reports of individuals with firearms at Tutwiler. Officers thoroughly searched the building and no weapons or unauthorized persons were found. The information that was provided to UAPD and other law enforcement agencies was based on rumors and social media posts and not actual witness accounts. UAPD will continue to investigate the situation to determine where the posts originated.”</p>

<p>Is this related to the Tut threat/rumor that was floating around on FB and Twitter?</p>

<p>I got an email last night about it:</p>

<p>"“UAPD responded to reports of individuals with firearms at Tutwiler. Officers thoroughly searched the building and no weapons or unauthorized persons were found. The information that was provided to UAPD and other law enforcement agencies was based on rumors and social media posts and not actual witness accounts. UAPD will continue to investigate the situation to determine where the posts originated.”"</p>

<p>I did see that response. I am referring to the threat that was posted on-line regarding a day of retribution for sororities because of the suffering of minorities. If I can figure out how to post a pic here, I will share</p>

<p>I cannot vouch for the journalistic sensibilities of Total Frat Move but this was the first link I found with the post
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes, the Crimson White on-line printed that horrible anonymous post. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you want students perspective on what’s going on read yik yak on your phone.</p>

<p>Most recent email to students/families:</p>

<p>Many of you know that an alarming comment was posted on a YouTube recruitment video over the weekend. While we have no credible information at this point to determine whether this is a legitimate threat, The University of Alabama is taking this situation very seriously. Posting a terrorist threat is a crime and will be treated as such. UAPD is aggressively investigating to identify the individual(s) involved. Among other things, we have requested search warrants and are consulting with the FBI.</p>

<p>This comment appears to have been the catalyst for the incident last night at Tutwiler. And the ongoing social media conversation continues to fuel rumors and speculation and generate additional inaccuracies. </p>

<p>I can assure you that your safety is our top priority. I encourage you to continue to go about your normal routine. If you see something suspicious, please contact UAPD immediately at 205-348-5454. </p>

<p>Tim Summerlin
Chief of Police
The University of Alabama</p>


<p>****Note: “I encourage you to continue to go about your normal routine” and “And the ongoing social media conversation continues to fuel rumors and speculation and generate additional inaccuracies”</p>

<p>Not sure if this link will work, but this is the latest update I have received as a parent. Appears a whole lot of rumors (bordering on hysteria) have made the situation seem much worse than it actually was:</p>

<p><a href=“Campus Safety Updates”>Campus Safety Updates;

<p>Hopefully lessons were learned by both sides on how to prevent hysterical responses in the future</p>

<p>my friend just told me that they got emails that said the threatd was confirmed as prank, and the person has been identified.
that person shoudl be fined!</p>

<p>Not fined, but charged with making terrorist threats.</p>

<p>Is there any article about it?</p>

<p>There have been several rumors going around, and the person who started a rumor has been found and it has been verified as a rumor. The YouTube comments are still under investigation, but the investigation is moving forward and search warrants have been served.</p>

<p>Here is the quote from the person who made the threatening comment under the offensive youtube video that calls UA’s sororities racist: </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt; “Ladies and gentleman. The day of retribution is getting nearer and nearer. Do not be found wanting. I have seen minorities suffer at the hands of those who think they are superior. This is my first message and I shall not say much. Take this the way you want; as a threat or whatever. All I know is that it will be a day when all that look at minorities with disgust shall remember. After this day, you shall appreciate every minority who walks on that campus. Friday the 20th of September was Miss Sorority Row. My mercy kept all of you alive because it was not yet the day of retribution. Do you want to know how it feels having a TAR-21 passing right through your flesh. I’ll be watching all frat parties and monitoring all of your events. The day is near. Be vigilant.” </p>

<p>I don’t see how this can be considered a prank. Even if the person was not serious, it was still a threat, not a prank. The person who did this should be prosecuted. If it turns out to be a UA student, I hope the media considers how its near exclusive focus on racism at UA, rather than on racism in all of higher education, helped to shape this person’s mind. </p>

<p>Atlanta 68, that’s the first threat. There have been two postings of threats by the first individual. The prank referenced above was a different incident referencing the initial threat and reportedly carried out by a student claiming the same identity as the initial poster. I’ve read the three posted threats and, as a parent, I don’t consider any of them a prank. You can find them online. I’m disappointed in the use of the term prank when students have been threatened. I hope the author of each of these is charged and prosecuted for making terroristic threats, the disruption of a school, and possibly a hate crime since the post referenced racial tension.
I’m sure the person or persons responsible for any of these considers it a prank if they know their intentions are not to follow through, unfortunately, it doesn’t feel the same from my perspective of from a student’s perspective when walking across campus. Although it is likely talk, there is always the possibility that it isn’t or that it could prompt another individual to take action. There is a line between hysteria and dismissing a threat because nothing has happened. I’m not promoting cancelling classes or hysteria, but I have not been impressed by the communication from the UAPD or the lack of an alert. Knowledge is power.</p>