UArts - no more BFA?

Sorry if this has already been discussed, but did anybody hear about UArts eliminating their BFA and only offering a BA in combined Acting/MT for next year’s incoming students?

Really? I just looked and the website and it still says BFA. @MTVT015?

My D told me that a plan was unveiled at their convocation (whole group meeting) last week. This new degree, which is a BFA Acting/Musical Theatre degree, would offer people freedom to choose the direction and details of their degree to an even greater extent than they can now at UArts. The whole purpose is to allow utmost personalization of one’s path; as I’ve said before, one of UArts’ major goals is the development of the individual artist. The response amongst current students was positive and excited even though the current students won’t follow that path. It was said that, if students really wanted to pursue this now, the department would try to find a way to give the current students even more freedom than they already have in course selection at UArts without changing the degree path so drastically that it will fall outside what is allowed by students who have taken government loans/grants. (There is something about it being difficult to change the degree name/plan once these are taken.) This will probably begin in 2017. D does not think it’s a definite thing yet, but she thought it sounded great!

@myloves, that sounds AMAZING! What a fabulous option that would be for kids torn between Acting and MT!

Doesn’t it? It sounds like a fabulous option for all–those who want acting, those who want MT, and those who are torn! They will have so many options and be able to tailor the curriculum exactly the way they want it. So cool… Of course, UArts already does offer a lot of choices, flexibility and intensive MT training. (I can’t speak about the acting BFA program because my D is in the MT program.) This new program really would benefit those who want to create their own paths and emphasize what they want.

There’s a current UArts MT student studying with my son at RCS for the fall semester-- rumor is that UArts is looking to create a semester abroad program with RCS. (I also know of a MMU dance student who will be going to RCS for the spring semester (for dance, of course).) Anyway-- if that’s true-- It could provide a nice study abroad option for the UArts students.

^^^ My D says that is correct.

UArts already has study abroad options, but a whole semester abroad option for MT will be great!

I just met with my advisor today and we discussed the possibility of studying abroad! There are very few absolute required classes in the senior year, so a lot of students will go then, with programs outside UArts (BADA, etc). There is already a summer trip to Edinburgh that is starting this year. I don’t know if @myloves has mentioned this, but we recently had a workshop with the head of MT at RCS. They have a kind of sister school relationship, or are beginning to.
Nothing is definite about the combined BFA, although our response to the idea was very positive! Our curriculum allows for a lot of customization, so it’s already possible to take quite a few of the classes in the acting major as an MT, although it can be more difficult for acting majors to get in voice lessons and MT performance classes. The combined BFA would fix that. Would definitely not be a BA. Within that degree you would be able to take the exact MT or acting track that is currently offered, or anything in between.
Feel free to message me privately if you have any questions about UArts!

Because of accreditation and how degrees are conferred, any change in the program would not change the degree from a BA to a BFA. As others have pointed out, there is a large focus on cross pollination of the performing majors and the program looks to serve it’s student’s self selection. The convocation discussion served as a feedback session for current student to share their thoughts on the idea, not an announcement of a change to the degree.

I love this! UofArts is one of the schools my daughter is looking at already! She is a musical theatre kid, but she also does some straight shows and loves classical pieces and Shakespeare. She has been concentrating on schools that have both strong acting and musical theatre programs and auditioning for both. This kind of program would be perfect for her!

I know when my daughter was studying abroad last semester at LAMDA, she said there were students from UArts there as well. I think they were acting majors.

Regardless of whether this change happens, you will get lots of training in “straight” acting in the MT program here. We have our main acting studio with acting majors, and MTs are cast in plays all the time! Acting majors are also cast in musicals, and I was in a play with two directors this semester.

I was just accepted into the BFA Musical Theatre program for the class of 2020, so yes, they still have BFA at U Arts. Best of luck to everyone!

How was your first year experience? My daughter has been accepted this year and I’m just looking for reviews.

In the same boat! Have you heard how many BFA MT kids they auditioned and then accept?

I believe they accept between 40 - 55 for MT.

Last year they took 33 BFA Acting and the year before, 26 BFA Acting