<p>I submitted my UC applications this past November as a transfer student from a CC. I am aiming for UCI as a Sociology major and my fall GPA is currently 3.5. </p>
<p>My question is, what kind of effect would it have on my chances of getting in if I don't finish all the classes in the Articulation Agreement for UCI as outlined by ASSIST? By the end of this spring I will have finished all the classes except for one. I'm trying to finish the IGETC and the only way to do that is if I not take that particular calculus class (the only math requirement I will be missing because there are only two math requirements, the other being statistics). This leads to my next question: Is it more important to prioritize IGETC over ASSIST? Thanks.</p>
<p>No you should definately concentrate on getting assist done over IGETC I heard from a rep from UCSD that if you dont have assist done by the spring they look at you as a "risk" and will probably take someone with a considerably lower gpa who has everything completed. Just a thought.</p>
<p>You should definitely finish IGETC, if you want to be a competetive applicant.</p>
<p>Is it true that IGETC is not as important for science majors?</p>
<p>Thanks mexbruin and CC student (a fellow classmate of mine has also told me the same thing, CC)</p>
<p>mexbruin, do you know if the same goes for UCI? I have finished the courses for UCSD so that's not a problem.</p>
<p>highschoolda, at my CC, if you are majoring in certain physical and computer sciences or engineering, you are advised to speak to a counselor before beginning IGETC as those are high-unit majors and have more rigorous programs if you plan to transfer to a UC (or, I imagine, most other colleges).</p>
<p>what happens if I don't finish all the assist courses (missing two)? will it jeopardize my chances of getting accepted?</p>
<p>angielala, it depends on the major. For instance, for UCB business if you are missing two prerequisites, then you have no chance. For impacted majors, you should definitely, ensure that you have completed all recommendations, and mantained at least a 3.3 GPA. For low demand majors, then you can finish your classes at UC, after you are accepted. On Assist, it should say how competetive your specific major is and whether or not you would be better off completing all prerequisite classes before you apply. Good luck.</p>