UC app mistake!

I made sure to double and even triple check my apps before turning it in and there was still an error! I’m not sure if it was a glitch from the site itself or something else but I swear I had everything right :frowning:
My Honors English 3/4 grades should’ve been semester 1 (A) semester 2(B), but when I checked it again after submission it showed up as two As. I tried contacting the UC apps support contact, but I feel hopeless that my app may be rescinded. Is there anything I can do? Will the college admission offices be a little lenient about it?

Hi there

You can ask Sally on this forum. She’s been very helpful.


Send an email to UC admissions indicating the grade discrepancy. Keep any documentation you receive back and make sure the UC’s are aware of the issue. If the information is placed in your file, then you will not get rescinded. Also you can only get rescinded if you are accepted by the UC’s.

Once you get any acceptances from the UC’s, you can contact each school to make sure the grade discrepancy issue is in your file.