UC average grades confusion

<p>I’ve been researching the UC’s lately and noticed that you must submit a “UC g.p.a.” So since the UCB average acceptance of students is 3.89, does this mean the average high school g.p.a or UC g.p.a? I’m concerned about this because i didn’t do so well as a freshman, so my UC grades are way higher than my average high school grades so far.</p>

<p>UC gpa, everyone's UC grades are higher than their regular school gpas.</p>

<p>weighted vs. unweighted.</p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>@forever09: No, not everyone's UC grades are higher than their regular school GPA's. And yes the Average GPA is the UC GPA with 8 semesters weighted maximum over 10th and 11th grade. They also only count A-G and not a PE or something that's not counted as it</p>

<p>^ True, some people don't take weighted classes so their UC gpas are the same as their regular gpas.</p>

<p>^I thought you meant like than a person's weighted GPA through their school, but you meant it's higher than unweighted, right? The UC GPA hurt me a lot, I took 9 weighted classes over 10/11 grades and then only 4 counted, and I was not getting great grades. I'm so surprised I got into Berkeley</p>

<p>then that's going to help me a lot when i apply
my average gpa right now is a 3.6 but my UC is a 4.0

<p>Don't know where you got your numbers. I believe UCBerkeley's average GPA for applicants is 4.18 or close to it. Even Santa Barbara's average UC GPA is around 3.95 or so.</p>

<p>^ that's average for applicants. numbers presented were acceptances.</p>

<p>big difference.</p>

<p>@ masterhammy
whoops! i never thought of the lower grades in weighted classes. sorry! i come from a very competitive school where everyone's gpa are about the same, way up there. so i see your point. & you probably got into berkeley cause of your rigorous courses! (: planning on going there?</p>