<h2>Since most of the commotion regarding UCLA decisions has ceased, I though it was time to start a Cal applicant stats thread so we can gauge the applicant pool and get hints as to what our chances are. Remember, the more people that post their stats, the more useful this thread becomes! Good way to pass the time imo :)</h2>
<p>So Let Me Start: </p>
<p>Current School: UC Irvine</p>
<p>Current Major: Business Economics</p>
<p>Applied Major: Business Admin (Haas) / Econ (See "Other")</p>
<p>GPA: 3.933</p>
<p>Extra Curricular Activities: UCI Entrepreneur Society Active Member since Fall '08,
Currently Participating in SCORE (Counselor's to America's Small Business) workshops with certificate upon completion. Dean's Honor's list all quarters. Extensive Volunteer-work throughout High School.</p>
<p>Work: Internet Marketing and Sales position at a Small Business for ~4.2 years (2006-present, 12 hours a week)...grew the business by over 30% in terms of profits.</p>
<p>Prereqs: 2 Missing for Haas...All done for Econ.</p>
<p>Other: I know I won't get into Haas because of the missing prereqs, but I called UC Berkeley and they told me I could appeal under the economics major (I have all the prerequisites done for that major). So I'm actually going for UCB econ ;)</p>
<p>i’m amazed you made a post not about your prereq situation/appeal at UCLA. i’m proud of you</p>
<p>@ Mantis</p>
<p>hahahah Thank You!..sorry if it took me a little longer than expected to overcome that heartbreak.</p>
<p>we all know u created this thread just to show off ur unimpressive credentials. and i’m sure everyone on here had enough of u from ur ucla thread</p>
<p>@ iHateCeltics</p>
<p>I had no such intentions…sorry you feel that way :(</p>
<p>I was jk. Good luck for berkeley. Especially since ur going to econ, not haas lol. less competition for me</p>
<p>@ iHateCeltics</p>
<p>Thanks! I wish you luck too! I would have loved to try for Haas but the prereqs weren’t offered at my UC when I needed them…I’m glad I could decrease the competition for you! ;)</p>
<p>currently: ccc</p>
<p>Applied Major: development studies obscure major ftw potentially transferring to something else</p>
<p>GPA: 3.0 I know</p>
<p>Extra Curricular Activities: officer in Microcredit club, plenty of humanitarian/volunteer work including Carivana mexicana, teaching english in israel, etc</p>
<p>Work: Not working currently, but plenty of past exp in sales</p>
<p>Prereqs: Missing one or two which were labeled “recommended”</p>
<p>Other: I will get in because of my essay</p>
<p>Current School: OCC</p>
<p>Current Major: English</p>
<p>Applied Major: English</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0</p>
<p>Extra Curricular Activities: President’s List, Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Gamma Sigma, OCC Honors Program, presented at the Honors Transfer College Council Student Research Conference held at UCI, 150+ hours volunteering in elementary school classes (I want to be a teacher)</p>
<p>Work: A year at a restaurant</p>
<p>Prereqs: Completed</p>
<p>Other: I can fly and shoot laser beams from my eyes? My application to the Justice League is also pending.</p>
<p>@ vclaire</p>
<p>lolol at your “other”…you’re in, no doubt imo ;)</p>
<p>Current School: Elcamino College</p>
<p>Current Major: Econ</p>
<p>Applied Major: Econ</p>
<p>GPA: 3.82</p>
<p>Extra Curricular Activities: A lot (Korean Army for 2years, Church Praise team, Soccer team…)</p>
<p>Work: A lot ( General’s asisstant in Army- 2years, C&C Corp asisstant manager- 2years, PJ company general manager for 1year)</p>
<p>Prereqs and IGETC: Completed Prereq and will complete IGETC this spring</p>
<p>Other: Pretty strong essay, CA Resident</p>
<p>“Korean Army for 2years”</p>
<p>You best be talking about the South!</p>
<p>^ I’m sure he is since the south requires all their male citizens to serve for 2 years.</p>
<p>Applied from UCSD.
Major: Physics and Math double major
GPA: 4.0</p>
<p>My transcript is hot.</p>
<p>1) Physics
WI09 PHYS 4A 4.0 A+
SP09 PHYS 4B 4.0 A+
FA09 PHYS 4C 4.0 A+
WI10 PHYS 4D 4.0 A+
SP10 PHYS 4E 4.0 WIP
2) Physics Lab
WI10 PHYS 2CL 2.0 A+
3) Chemistry Lower Division
FA08 CHEM 6A 4.0 A+
4) Math Prep for major
FA08 MATH 20A 4.0 A
WI09 MATH 20B 4.0 A+
5) Math Lower Division
SP09 MATH 20C 4.0 A+
FA09 MATH 20D 4.0 A+
FA09 MATH 20E 4.0 A+
FA09 MATH 20F 4.0 A+</p>
-Astrophysics club principal member. Built a telescope for the club my freshman year.
-IEEE Robotics club, working on an object avoidance robot.
-Working at the Scripps Research Institute at the Mass Spectrometry lab. Will be published in a few months.
Essays: I’m a great writer. 9.999999999/10.</p>
<p>no i did not need to go since i was the U.S Resident at that time</p>
<p>but my parents want me to their to learn something</p>
<p>that’s why i was on the TV NEWS and they interviewd me as a “Good Citizen” keke</p>
<p>that is pretty sexy whoshuu haha wish mine were that pretty 
Here are my stats, I REALLY hope I get in :D</p>
<p>Current School: Cali Community College
Applied Major: Cultural/Medical Anthropology
GPA: 3.88
EC: EMT Ambulance Attendant x 1 year, Newspaper Photographer x1 year -award winnin! (I won first place in the California Community colleges JACC Feature Photo competition haha), Treasurer for Gamma Beta Phi, extremely inactive member of PTK (lol), English/Statistics tutor, about 100 hrs of Community service
Essays: heartbreaking. haha No seriously, talked about my mom’s several year illness, my ambulance experiences, and how the two experiences contributed to my desire to pursue my chosen field of medicine </p>
<p>BTW, by “maintain academic performance” does UCLA mean they will rescind me if I get less than a 3.8 this semester? I mean, with four classes, that means I can’t even get a single B…that’s rough, especially since I’m taking both chemistry and precalc (and I suck at math)</p>
<p>@whoshuu </p>
<p>How the hell do you get A+ in all those classes, especially those hard ones. I know you are a genius, but could you enlighten the rest of us?</p>