UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Ah, I see. Thanks for crunching those numbers. The 16% does look familiar to me however. The original poster isnt wrong. I think it must be a number that pops up if you google Cal admission rate without specifying a year. I just did that, and if you scroll through links, you’ll find 15, 17, and 16%, depending on the year and source.

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Cal will post a basic schedule of all-school related events. This will include spirit group performances, small concerts (In Hertz hall), dorm tours, campus tours. Almost every L&S major will have a booth set up in front of Wheeler/Dwinelle halls. Individual majors MAY have separate events.
As far as the spirit stuff is concerned, this usually consists of the Cal band (usually the smaller straw hat band version) and the dance/cheer/rally committees. They should do multiple performances.
Cal Baseball plays Oregon at 2:05 at Evans Diamond which is on campus.


It looks like the information isn’t all there yet, but they have a mobile app (here) you can put on your phone that will list activities and events at Rausser and across the rest of campus. There will be a ton of things going on; more info will get filled in there the closer to Cal Day we get. The general Cal Day site has a link to register for admitted students.

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Whether you are a parent, or a student, I’d recommend checking out some of the dorms. Most of you will do this anyway, but if any of you are considering Clark-Kerr residence hall, then I highly recommend walking from Clark Kerr to a typical big lecture hall (Pimentel, Evans, Dwinelle) on campus and see how long it takes. It’s a very nice residence, but it is pretty far away.


Thank you. Definitely interested in seeing the newer Blackwell and Units 1-3 (look nice from the outside!) And also how Foothill has held up over the years (lived on hillside). Agree Clark-Kerr being pretty far away, but spacious. I think during my time thats where the athletes lived.

For the parent who earlier was asking about acceptance rates at UC Berkeley and UCLA, here’s the 10-year trend. (Source: UC Office of the President - student data and/or Common Data Set)

Might have to click on the image to enlarge


Yes pretty sure the freshmen athletes still mostly live at CK

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Blackwell is very nice. Our D19 lived there.

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What is this lol
We can win this thing (whatever it is)! Go BEARS ! :laughing:

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DS who got in won’t be able to attend Cal Day. I know Families are invited too but does it add any value if we go without the admitted student?

Do you know the campus/area at all? If not, I’d say go for it for sure.

Went there few years back(Took kids to some event but never saw it properly).

Yeah, if it’s not too much of a trek, I’d say go check it out. At least get a feel for the city/campus combination, and look at dorms.

I agree, if your kid isn’t decided, report back as much as you can. I highly recommend the 8am at the stadium with the chancellor - early, but definitely worth it.

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One tip for what its worth based on last year’s experience - The line to the engineering tour sign up gets really long. Either get early and sign up first (or) if it gets crowded, just grab the tour script from one of the tour volunteers and give yourselves a self-tour.

Looks like son will go tomorrow and sit in a CS class.

what is the 8am at the stadium with the chancellor?

Yes, every EECS/CS admit should try to attend a 61A class if possible. I think its as simple as sending an email to the professor - glad your son is doing it. Please come back and report his feedback since it might help others on this thread.

who do you contact for personalized tours? do you need to accept the admission offer first?

See here.


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