UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

as far as i know, i’ve heard a lot from college of engineering like civil engineering etc. but for l&s, I believe I do not know anyone getting off the waitlist for anything comp sci or data science related. but I think we should still have a shot!

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for sure, thank you so much and best of luck!!

what did u apply for

i did data science


Does any one know if a person was selected off the waitlist for college of environmental design?? Currently still waitlisted for architecture :slight_smile:

Has anyone received admission off the waitlist for Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) from the College of Engineering? I know the number of IEOR students is pretty small every year so I wonder if the group is filled already and that is why waitlisted students are not getting off? Thoughts?

Has anyone gotten off for Sociology in L&S?

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do you think there will be more admits on monday

or will we have to wait longer

Idk but for me, I’m waiting till the end of Monday, then ill just Continue with my other plans

I got off the waitlist for data science on Monday


did u do FPF?

Yes, I opted for it in the waitlist form but my offer letter made no mention of it.

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i see, thanks

For all who have been accepted off the waitlist, are you in state or out of state?

we are in state - from the bay area

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Any international students get in from the waitlist?

not that i know of

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Yes, only 100 students were admitted into the cs program this year at Berkeley( according to my sister that is a 3rd year in cs at Berkeley).

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when are more people going to be admitted if any

I think the next wave of results will come this Monday or Tuesday (1 week after the first wave)