UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Dangit :(. Well UCLA it is I guess!

Excellent choice and best of luck

Thank you :slight_smile:

Are they any disadvantages in joining the FPF program (Fall Program for Fall Semester)? After the First semester you go back to the regular UC Berkeley if I understand well? Can you still graduate in 4 years? Thanks for your insights!

Probably the one disadvantage of the FPF program is the limited courses offered but you can definitely graduate in 4 years. I believe @scrambro had one student in the program and could give some good feedback.

Classes are not on campus which might be a disadvantage also.

They should have allowed at least major/ important updates like awards or other accomplishments. There are many students who continue working hard for something and get success after applying to the colleges. May not big essay or letter like UCLA allows but just 100/ 150 words. :blush:
Edit: is it okay to email with the updates?

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Unfortunately UCLA is now they only UC that still has a waitlist statement. UCB does allow you to upload your Senior grades. Most of the other UC’s will not accept any additional information including Senior grades.

If it’s something like major accomplishment, can the applicants email them?

Yes, for sure. It was a few years ago, and its changed a bit, but i can try to help w specific questions

I would not send anything to them unless they ask for it. If you do not follow directions then they could red flag your application.

Excerpt from the following article which was posted on a Georgia Tech Blog but universal in message.

All colleges vary in how they work their waitlist, but Admission 101 = read what they send and do what it says.


@scrambro Thanks. My son is from Europe. Do you think the program is a good idea for an international students and will help him to integrate? Do you know why UCB has such a program? Because of lack of space, teachers or else. Are the classes of same quality?

the REAL reason that Cal has FPF, is that it allows them to admit more students while having them remain off of the main campus for the most part. after the Fall '23 semester, some freshmen will drop from the school, and that will allow the FPF students to integrate into the main campus in the Spring '24. Think of it as a delayed admission. Long ago, colleges would offer admission to students but not until the following Spring, not the upcoming Fall. Think of it as a creative and profitable alternative to a delayed admission.

All that being said, FPF is a great option for some kids. For Students who come from a small town/small high school/ different country, Cal can be a BIG shock. It is a very rare combination of a very big and challenging public school in a big Metropolitan bustling city. I cant think of another school like it in that regard. The classes are very big for freshmen, it can be hard to meet friends, and a lot of kids can get homesick.
With FPF, you have an instant small cohort of like-minded students. You take classes in a nice cozy environment, and many of the kids will share more than one class. They also have the option to take one class on the main campus, to get a taste of that part of school life, as well as use of the libraries and all other facilities. The biggest downside probably is the lack of available classes. If you treat it as an opportunity to take a few of the breadth classes, then its fine. The classes that my son took there were good. A couple of his professors were VERY good, actually, and very accessible, which is not always the case on the main campus. But yes, if you have concerns that your son may be a little overwhelmed, then maybe it’s not a bad idea. I’m curious what your son might think about the idea. has he given it some thought.?


The waitlist document is confusing. It doesn’t clearly state what or what not to send. There is however an upload file option on the portal available in addition to the waitlist opt in form.

Do y’all think the waitlist is smaller than other UCs? How many ppl do u know who got waitlisted to Cal?

Honestly not many, but they were mostly EECS majors. THey might have changed up the waitlist considering what happened last ear

I agree since they do not give clear instructions about what you can and cannot upload. A call to admissions is warranted.

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I agree, we found it unclear as well
if you do talk to admissions could you please post what their response is

hey, i’ve submitted the wait list opt in form, but i havent received any email or notification. if they do, will it be an email or will it show up on my portal?? All i can see now is this:

Same that’s all I see but I got an email after I submitted the form but it didn’t contain any important info, it was just a confirmation that I opted-in the waitlist. Maybe we could nominate one very brave soul who is willing to give the undergrad admission office a call and see what they say about uploading materials


does anyone know how waitlist admission chances for berkeley ced have been historically?