UC Chances

Hi guys, I’m a current HS junior looking at UC chances. Would greatly appreciate an approximate estimate for UCSC, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, and UCI. I know UCBerkley or UCLA isn’t happening and not interested in UCM/UCR. I’m in state.

UC GPA: 3.88
SAT: 1510 (looking to get into 1550 range)
Extracurricular: 3 year DECA member with several finalists awards and 1 first place and 1 second place
Founder of a blockchain company with 150k in revenue
Freelance paid writer for a few blockchain news websites (small)
Written several white papers for blockchain startups (again paid)
Internship with a Indian blockchain startup for a week in India
Top 10 finish in a fairly big professional hackathon in India

I’m a Asian male in the Silicon Valley attending one of those super competitive schools. I have a upward trend (3.167,3.33, now a 4.0 first semi junior) and I’ve heard UCs consider that. Any advice on chances would be greatly appreciated!

You definitely have a chance for UCSC and maybe UCSB. The others are a reach.

Oh and what is your major? If engineering, I guess I would say that’s a no except at maybe UCSC but I don’t really know…

I’ve hears UCSB is good for finance recruiting so that would be ideal. I know I have absolutely no shot at CS like all my 4.0 friends :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, given your GPAs in 10th grade, if you had all As in both semesters in 11th grade and assuming you took 4+ AP classes, your UC weighted capped would be 3.96. But it sounds like you have 3 APs, hence the 3.88. Find out if any of your Honors classes gets any extra weight. H PreCalc usually does, and at a few schools H English 11 or H Chem might also give you extra weight.

In any event, 3.88 is on the low end for UCD, UCI and UCSB, but getting in is possible since you do have a very good SAT score. Best way is to come up with some magnificent essays. If you have a compelling reason for your low grades in 10th grade, that might help also.

You’re probably a match for UCSC.

I did take Precalc H, but I am assuming the cap (8 semesters of honors) and am not confident in another 4.0 this sem (apush is hard 2nd sem lol!). I think I can write good essays and UCD/UCI/UCSB would be great reach schools at thsi point IG

Yeah make sure to work a lot on those essays. My kid didn’t exactly have the most stellar of grades (4.05 UC GPA after 11th) and he happens to be good albeit lazy and slow writer - for the UC essays he did spend a really long time writing and rewriting and revising, starting from the summer all the way until November 29th, probably cumulatively at least 80 hours for the UC prompts. He overcame the odds and got into Berkeley.

Your GPA is going to make all of your target schools an uphill climb. You should certainly apply to any that interest you but, apply broadly so you will have options.
Use the FroshGPAbyHS tab on that tool to see what GPA worked for applicants UC applicants at each campus last year.

Since you arent interested in the UCs that are probably a good match - I suggest you also apply to SDSU and CSULB - 2 outstanding Finance programs that would be happy to have you.
good luck.

Some UC admission data below.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1
UCM: 96.1%

You have a very competitive SAT but GPA is a bit low.
UCSC definitely possible. UCI/UCD and UCSB are probably 50/50.

Best of luck and make sure have a couple safety schools on your list. The CSU’s would make good solid Match and Safety schools.


If UC capped weighted GPA is 3.96 with ACT 31 and applied for CS as the first choice of major and CE (Computer Engg) as the second choice. What are the chances for my Daughter?

@Janaki: Asking for chances on another posters thread is considered rude by the CC community. If your D wants to be chanced, I recommend she starts her own thread.


Apologize for the miscommunication. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I am going through the post and as a concerning mom, I asked this question. I absolutely have no intention to be rude or offend anyone. As I am relatively new to this community and I am not fully aware of the CC community rules. I will keep in mind your suggestion from the next post to ask through a separate thread.

@Janaki: One reason for this policy is that it would be hard for the original poster to determine which responses are directed at them and which responses would be directed at the any of the posters that are asking to be chanced.