UC colleges

Hey guys I was wondering if I was to Fail both semester my freshman year for algebra 1 but pass my sophomore in algebra with D my first semester and probably a C or D my on my last semester am I still eligible to get into a UC?

So hypothetically you are retaking Algebra 1 Sophomore year after failing both semesters Freshman year correct?

If you get a D 1st semester in Algebra 1 Sophomore year and you pass 2nd Semester with a C or higher, you validate the D from 1st semester and you are still eligible for a UC as long as you pass Geometry and Algebra 2 by end of Senior year. If you get a D 2nd semester Sophomore year, then you do not pass Algebra 1 and would have to retake the class to have any chance of completing the minimum a-g course requirements for any UC or Cal state.

If you get a C in 2nd Semester Algebra 1 Sophomore year and not repeat the 1st semester D, it will be included in your UC GPA which uses only 10-11th grades. You would have a difficult time being competitive for any UC if the D remains on your transcript along with the F’s.

What about your other a-g course grades? Are you getting A’s and B’s at least?