**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

Nope my portal is still working

Nope. Itā€™s working

Its super slow when i am refreshing for some reason


Maybe itā€™s your internet? Iā€™m not sure but they could also be updating results by batches but thatā€™s only a theory. Iā€™m a student just as confused as you :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah true. davis is my 1st choice, above all of the ivies I applied to.

My son just checked and it still states pending review

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mine still says pending review. And I can still withdraw my application. Irvine disabled the ability to withdraw applications when they were releasing decisions.

Davis is up there for me too. Honestly I have pretty bad stats so I was surprised I got into SLO so Iā€™m not gonna test my luck too much. Why do you like Davis so much if you mind sharing?

I have pretty unique stats. Never took an AP, but I am getting my Associates degree before my diploma. 21 dual enrollment classes. Ballet, cheer, LOTs of volunteer work, and well thought out essays. Did not get into Irvine tho.

Davis is pretty close to my family. Not really wanting to travel far. Great campus and lots of resources. Got into Ohio State, UC Merced, and California Lutheran University.

I thought about SLO, love the area!

What about you, are you instate? Top choice, if you dont mind sharing

Iā€™m from WA state but I want to move to CA since my girlfriend lives there LOL. Also a bonus thereā€™s tons of great schools there. Top choice is USC because I love how much they care about their students and itā€™s a great school. Also because Iā€™ve seen people with lower stats than mine (3.4 W 12APs+6DEs) get accepted. Otherwise my second choice is a tie between UCSB and SLO. Iā€™m looking to major in some kind of health science field and Iā€™ve been accepted to SLOā€™s Public health major which I was so surprised by considering my stats. I also applied to a bunch of CSUs as backups and Iā€™m also waiting on Pepperdine and the UCs+USC

Good for you! USC is high up there, was my top choice for awhile. I lived in LA and do not really want to go back. Id only head back that way if USC offered a good scholarship. But I did not make it through their full tuition or half tuition scholarship round. Did you?

Iā€™m really fortunate in that my parents are paying for my college so they told me to not apply for scholarships despite my protests that most schools are needs blind

You are very fortunate. I wouldnā€™t qualify for aid, but my parents arenā€™t contributing a penny. So I will be pulling loans for it all, its gonna be a blast lmao.

Have a weird feeling that the post about the rejection was not true.


yeah it was odd that we only heard from one person


Everyone is on pins and needles rn