**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

We got UCSB today. UCI was first and UCB a few hours later within days of applying. But weeks later, UCSB. Haven’t heard from SD, Davis, LA

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I got Davis 6 days after applying, then UCB last friday. Haven’t heard from UCLA either :confused:

My daughter got the email from UCSB as well.

For UCLA, you can follow this link to view the application status.

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when you get the invite to the portals really arent indicative of your chances of getting accepted. I have had two kids go through the process and when they received their invite it didnt correlate to what may happen when decisions are sent out

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Still nothing from UCD. S21 got the other UCs.

Pls ask him to check his spam folder, that’s where my S21 had his UCD portal info email.

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Hello, current UC Davis applicants and parents of applicants! I’m a current UCD undergrad, so if you have any questions about student life, classes, professors, etc. Feel free to ask me! I remember going through these forums when I was in the application and waiting process as well. :slight_smile:


My S still hasn’t received anything from UC Davis but has from the other UCs he applied to. Could the portal info still be coming? Nothing in the spam folder either.

Pls ask him to check in the promotion tab as well.

@Gumbymom I put a community college course on the application that I was planning to take this semester. Due to schedule issues I decided to take another similar course instead of the one on the application. However, I notice in my UCD portal I am NOT able to update the course correctly (the form does not provide a place to enter course level and units for CC courses). Is it a big deal if I ignore to update a planned course that has NO impact on my admission decision?

@akmom33: You need to notify UCD and any other schools about the schedule change. If you are unable to make the change in the UCD portal, then you need to send an email to admissions. Keep all documentation you receive back just in case there are issues later.

Hi there - just received the first email from UCD about fin aid. Did everyone receive this?

I did. I bet everyone did.

@CCBotz: The email is informational for all that applied.


Is it the demystify financial aid one? I got it and so did S21. My response was, “There you go, Davis! Welcome to the chat!”

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Too paranoid to start a new topic in the General forum and my search for roommates didn’t have current situation.

Assuming normal, non-COVID, can experienced UC parents share the process to getting dorms once a student accepts admission into a UC? Is it different (assume so with just how UCSD colleges are set up) but still have a general process? Would the family put down a deposit (is it a race?) And the student requests rooms based on wishlist? Can they ask to be assigned to specific roommates? Thank you!!

Since you posted this in the UC Davis forum, I’ll respond to how it works (or worked) at Davis. In the past, when 2-3 students shared a room, the roommates had to have identical applications (type of dorm, type of room, etc.) and request each other. There wasn’t a race to put down a deposit at Davis but if your student knows who they want to live with, it is better to turn it in earlier than later.

This year students were assigned one to a room. Many stayed home so everyone who wanted to live on campus was able to do so. Some people were frustrated because the school didn’t keep roommate requests in the same vicinity/dorm.

Sophomore housing is off campus and that has specific deadlines for a deposit. If one is looking for an apartment/house off campus, students start putting deposits down in Jan/Feb for the following year. Most off campus private leases are for 12 mos from Sept 1 - Aug 31.

Each UC has a different process for housing so you might post this question in the other UC forums as well.

For those that haven’t been paying attention, UC Davis has been in the national news a lot lately. NY Times: A California University Tries to Shield an Entire City From Coronavirus - The New York Times and NBC California university creates Covid ‘shield’ over campus, city


Got an email saying that UC Davis is releasing admission notification mid March.