UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

Agree. Triple are more likely because there are more available. Last Fall, my son was initially assigned to a triple and he signed up the waitlist for Single room and was lucky enough to get his own room.

I was just looking at the UC Davis website and the scholarship FAQ section says:
"A handful of scholarships, such as the Regents Scholarship and Provost Award, are announced at the time of Admission. The vast majority of scholarships are awarded over the summer. "

Is this common at the UC’s? This is my first time going through the college application process as a parent and I assumed that students would be notified of scholarship offers before the deadline to commit (May 1). For us, total cost is a part of the decision process–I imagine our family isn’t abnormal. Maybe the scholarships aren’t big enough to move the needle for other families (minus the regents and provost awards) or the number of recipients is minimal? I’m trying to understand the decision to delay scholarship awards until summer (besides lightening the load–assessing only committed students takes less effort than all applicants).

My assumption is that those are the unique scholarships at each campus ala the things our students had to check off when applying along the lines of “are you a Presbyterian woman who intends to study the history of Irish dancing? Apply for this $1000.” The institutional stuff like Regents will be with admissions.


@GoldRush2 is correct that the scholarships posted during the summer are specialized and institutional type scholarships and some may be merit and some may be need based. The larger scholarships such as Regents are awarded at the time of acceptance.

The UC’s do not offer much in the way of merit aid/scholarships. They offer good need-based aid to qualifying California residents such as Cal Grants, Middle Class scholarship and the Blue & Gold plan.


45 posts were split to a new thread: UC Davis Portal Astrology

Omg!! All of this so exciting. Enjoying the journey to decisions. Hoping it all ends well tomorrow and brings a smile on our faces. Amen!!


Is it 100% certain that they’ll drop Friday ? Im freaking out lol

Just quoting from above…


Happy cake day

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What time do the decisions come out tomorrow?

When decisions do come out, will it tell you right away when you login to the portal?

I think so. We should be able to see the decision.

Expect decisions around 3PM PST. Usually the portal updates prior to the email being sent.


I want to say it was about 3:05-3:10 last year

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Is it confirmed for tomorrow then Gumbymom?

According to the counselor information received, it is confirmed.


Yes 3pm

so will the email automatically state the decision? Or just tell you to check your portal. I just don’t want to find out when I’m at school, and rather wait till I get home.

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Lasr year, the email came later in the afternoon with the title “Congatulations, you’re in!”

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UC Forum Champion Note:
I have moved several posts to a new Discussion thread for the UC Davis Portal Astrology. As UC Forum Champion, I would like to keep this discussion thread free from such conjecture and speculation and continue to devote this discussion thread to more meaningful and important information for 2023 applicants.

Thank you.