UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thank you!

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He was accepted Early Action.


Same for D. Got into Caltech, UT Austin Turing, UIUC, Calpoly SLO, Purdue etc (most EAs she applied to) and WLed at UCD. Honestly I’m more concerned for other friends of hers who have higher credentials similar to her but not having anything solid yet.


This is crazy!

Super strange how the college acceptance process works!


My son got the email (we were gonna check portal together later, oh well). Good news though! Mechanical Engineering, 4.0UW/4.5ish W (can’t remember exactly). 13 APs, some math at community college. Lots of ECs, varsity sport captain, good essays. National merit finalist. Congratulations to all who got in! And wishing all success to everyone who applied.


It’s somehow feeling like a lottery amongst all these high achieving, hard working kids due to the overwhelming increase in applications…




If you just line up the WL CS/CSE stats from this thread and then put up the accepted CS/CSE stats in another group, a lot of people will likely guess wrong in a blind test. Again, it may just be natural variance but there seems to be an element of yield management.

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S waitlisted…pre landscape architecture- he had a 4.2 GPA, AP and Honors classes, Varsity sport, volunteering, etc. Really surprised and a bit let down. We are In state. Accepted to Cal Poly SLO, so i think thats where he will be really happy to attend!


I thought UC was not a stats-based acceptance. Many other factors, including PIQs.


That seems to be the only explanation (yield management) but hard to believe UCD is worried about that. It doesn’t seem like the “UC way” in general. They are not playing games for US News & World rankings. We aren’t seeing many super high stat kids getting outright rejected, so maybe UCD is assuming these kids will go elsewhere but if they submit an expression of continued interest they will get in off the WL.

My older D had a similar experience at Tulane where friends with far inferior #s all got in (many with $) and she got WL’d (didn’t send any expression of continued interest in) and was ultimately rejected.


I agree but there is generally pretty solid correlation between high stats and good PIQs. Just look at where else the waitlisted folks are admitted. PIQ seems a very inadequate explanation. Perhaps “fit” is a better one and an aspect of fit is whether that person will be happy to go to Davis.


International CS and engineering accepted
IB 39/42 (Math, Physics, CS 7)
SAT 1500 (700+800)
USACO gold and some other national computing olympiad awards
Soccer team captain
Did some voluntary coding for NGOs

I applied as a CS freshman for the following schools
Wisconsin-madison, Minnesota-twin city, PSU main campus accepted
Gatech, Purdue deferred
Cornell, UIUC, UW-Seattle (they offered pre-science, dignity deny lol) denied

Looking forward to UCSD decision date😤


UCD is known for looking at “fit” based on their review criteria. They do not consider an applicants level of interest just like the rest of the UC’s and all the UC’s act independently so getting into one school or not getting in does not indicate results for the other UC’s. Most schools do some kind of yield management, they have to based on the application numbers. If a student is truly interested in attending UCD, then submit the waitlist essay and tell them why you would be an asset.


D22 accepted for Sustainable Agriculture & Food systems
OOS- Arizona
4.11 weighted GPA, 3.96UW, 4.34 capped UC GPA. 5 APs, 3 dual enrollment, Great essays and ECs w/ leadership
Also accepted Cal Poly Slo, Northeastern, UW-Seattle(merit), Michigan State(merit),ASU(merit) Gonzaga(merit) & Loyola Marymount(merit)


Thank you!

“Dignity deny”! Love it, lol — my soccer captain kid received one of those, too.

Sounds like you have good options — do you have a favorite?

It would be interesting to know if UCD (or any of the other UCs) focus on specific essay questions to help them determine fit — or if certain kinds of subject matter/answers help them distinguish among so many applicants with similar stats.

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not to hijack this thread. For those waiting, UC Irvine results are out for some. Good luck to all!